Sexual Performance Anxiety, Impotency, Circumcision Myths, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Intimacy Issues, Surgical Hypnosis (De-hypnotizing Surgery Dialogue), Generalized Anxiety, Autism, Aspergers, Past life regression therapy

Ban Circumcision of Minors Worldwide

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 Anxiety & Male Sexual Issues Reinforced by Past-Life Traumas & Circumcision
PLTC Founder/Author: Dr. Thomas Paul


After more than a decade of having a neutral position on circumcision, The American Academy of Pediatrics (and CDC) is leaning towards a pro-circumcision stance. See comments from many medical doctors regarding these changes. This is one of the most comprehensive articles available regarding circumcision of children. It begins with a case study and concludes with many resources from respected medical doctors and health advocates. Please read the entire article if you want the facts about circumcision and its myths debunked. Please forward to adults only. 

A 35 year old, male client named Jim experiences Past Life Therapy for a greater understanding of his emotional and physical problems. Jim states during his initial session that “I’m on a healing journey to eliminate anxiety, depression, and my fear of confrontation.” He also reveals that these challenges are affecting his career and personal relationships, including intimacy issues such as premature ejaculation and recurrent impotency. This case study will examine some of Jim’s therapy visits and clients with similar issues who accredit the Netherton-Paul Method of De-Hypnosis utilized exclusively at Past Life Therapy Center® for enabling them to resolve their concerns. All clients mentioned have given written permission to share their story.

Jim said he had an elective surgery at 23 years old to correct a severe penile curvature that was making intercourse impossible. Although the procedure was considered a medical success, Jim endured an exceptionally painful recovery reinforced by the surgical staffs' dialogue during his drug-induced unconsciousness, or what can be referred to as “under hypnosis.” During PLTC’s de-hypnosis, or “focused-state” therapy, my client was able to access his unconscious mind to resolve subconscious material affecting his well-being from past-lives, prenatal, surgeries, and his traumatic circumcision.

Petar Petrov /The Associated Press Archives:
A boy’s reaction to circumcision, which is a medically unnecessary surgery.

Jim reports that he is a heterosexual who isn’t sexually active and prefers monogamous relationships when he is active. He also stated that he was afraid to masturbate prior to the penile surgery in fear that he would damage himself further. In addition, he still harbors concerns of harming another person emotionally or physically when he's engaging in intercourse. When asked about a desire to have children, Jim feels conflicted as he likes children, but is worried that they would inherit and struggle with the same issues.

Jim mentioned that he’s afraid to hurt people with his words or intentions even when they’re benign. He often allows himself to be hurt by others rather than speak up when it’s justified; hence, he's been agreeing both unconsciously and consciously to live his life as a victim of other people’s actions and what they may think of him. Other details about Jim that were disclosed in his intake interview include spankings by his father when he was a young boy, recreational drug usage during adolescence, and a general distrust of others.

Some of his physical issues involve bouts with allergies/sinus problems, intermittent pains/inflammation in his chest, and occasional skin problems on his hands, face, or neck when he feels frustrated or angry. At the age of 19, he underwent knee surgery due to an injury from skiing and suffered whip-lash from a car accident in his late 20’s. This has not kept him from becoming an avid sportsman who engages in anxiety-fueled outdoor activities, some of which could be considered dangerous.

I. Excerpts from Jim’s Past Life Therapy sessions.

TP: Jim, allow your unconscious mind to reveal the source of this suffering you’ve been experiencing since birth. If you could focus your pain, frustration, and anger that you’ve been encountering throughout your life to a part of your body, where would this be isolated?

CL: My penis.

TP: Talk from this region of your body as if it could speak.  In other words, give it a voice.

CL: What’s wrong with me? I can’t show myself to anyone.

TP: What’s the strongest emotion or feeling that comes to mind here?

CL: Shame.

TP: Allow yourself to continue talking from the shame isolated in your genitals.

CL: What did I do to deserve this? I’ll never be able to get close to anyone. I’ll never have sex. I’m a freak.

TP: Continue speaking in the first person, which will help ground you in the experience that is bringing about these thoughts and feelings. You have the answers to all of your questions.

CL: Ha, ha. You can’t do this (use this for sex). You shouldn’t be doing this anyway. You’re going to hurt someone.

TP: Jim, notice that you’re speaking in the 3rd person now using the word “you” rather than “I”. These thoughts may be influenced by someone else’s comments that your unconscious mind recorded and is interpreting as your own thoughts and beliefs. Speak the very next thoughts that originate from your genitals and the truth will eventually surface.

CL: This [my penis] is going to hurt someone. We just need to go away and hide. We need to be alone [Jim begins speaking of his penis as if it’s separated or disconnected from his body]. We got better things to do. We got real work to do. This is a waste of time anyway and you aren’t going to find happiness here. Don’t even try. We’re wasting time. We are going in the wrong direction [Jim’s penis was going in the wrong direction; it was tucked under and severely curved downward in shame when erect prior to his present-life surgery]. We’re not going to find it this way.

TP: Give me the first word that comes to mind that will allow you to know what “it”, is?

CL: A forest. I’m looking for it. I’m looking for a place to hide. I’m running. I’m barefoot and running frantically trying to make it to the forest.

TP: What are you aware of next?

CL: A vague sense of being with someone.
TP: And the very next thoughts that come to mind about this sensation.

CL: We’ll have to get there or we’ll die. They’re after us. I sense we are being chased. Running and stopping. I feel a lot of anxiety, stress, and adrenaline. I’ll do whatever it takes to survive. We’ve got to find it; a way back to my people where it’s safe.
TP: Does what is chasing you ever catch up to you? There is a part of you that knows if it’s yes or no.

CL: Yes. I’ve been shot in the chest.

TP: Allow yourself to speak from your chest.  What did the shot say if it could speak?

CL: You’ve been caught. You thought you could run from me. I’ve got you, you son of a bitch. You aren’t going to get away with what you did. You can’t get away from me. How does it feel now? You’re not going to make it home now.

TP: Whose voice is this?

CL: A man looking over my body. I’m feeling a sharp pain that started in my chest and is now spreading…burning. It was an arrow; a poisonous arrow. He’s telling me to die as he laughs.  Ha, ha, ha. Die motherfucker, die.

TP: What is your physical position?

CL: I’m lying facing down. I was struck in the back by the arrow. It went through the front. I’m curled over. It’s hard to breathe. I can’t move. I can’t talk. I’m dying. [Jim’s confrontation issues will be reinforced by this unresolved death experience. He rarely confronts/talks with others and his current profession doesn’t require very much speaking.]

TP: After all of your physical organs shut down, allow your soul to drift above your body. Just let me know when you’re out and if you hear any other voices outside of you as your dying.

CL: I feel a release and calm now that I’m dead.  I feel peaceful.

TP: The truth is that you’re not dead. You are sitting in my office. If you can feel good re-experiencing your soul leave the body at death, you can surely feel this way while fully in your body. The anxiety, stress, and adrenaline you experienced prior to your death reinforced a survival script that has been letting you know you’re still alive. When you resolve traumatic deaths, you can change this unconscious belief so that calm and peace will reinforce both survival and thriving.

Underneath your fear and anxiety is anger and sadness. Allow yourself to go back into your body and express it. Give back the voices of others that have been reinforcing living as a symptom of dying.  In other words, allow yourself to hear your own voice and get to the truth.

CL: [Jim connects the killer to a jealous, Indian tribesman who didn’t want a non-member romantically involved with someone from his tribe.] Get off of me! F*** you! She wanted me. I can do what I want!

TP: Jim, keep talking and moving through this rage. Get the arrow out of your body so that you can release the pain, anxiety, and breathing issues.
CL: [Jim motions as if he was pulling an arrow out of his body. He chooses to reframe the experience and release anger by imagining that he’s doing to the killer what was done to him. He does this while beating his fist against the cushioned armrest of his chair.] I’ll kill you! Take that!  How does that feel?

Jim then connects his frantic run in the wrong direction to the time he tried escaping his killer to his deformed penis curved the wrong way.

My penis got me killed. Damn you, you caused this. Desire got me killed. I blame my penis for my death. If I put my penis away, I’d still be alive. I’ll tuck it away. It’s curved downward in this lifetime [wrong direction/facing downward in shame] to keep me from dying this way again. I’m punishing this part of my body.

TP: Jim, keep talking from your penis by giving it a voice. Be aware of any thoughts that are reinforcing this belief that you must be punished.

II. Jim immediately begins regression into another past-life experience.

CL: Ha, ha! How does that feel boy? Got your there, didn’t I? Doesn’t feel very good, does it boy?

Jim begins squirming and embracing a fetal position from the cellular memory of the shocking and excruciating pain inflicted to his groin.

I just got shot in my groin!  I can’t take the pain! I just want to die!  I feel it in my abdomen too.

TP: What is your greatest fear at this moment?

CL: Living.  I can’t live with this. I want to die.  He’s over me (saying):

That’s what you get when you f*ck with my family, boy. How does that feel? Now what are you going to do with it? You thought you were going to get away with it? How you feeling now? It looks like we won’t be seeing you around her no more. I’m about to dig a hole for your ass. You’re done, son.

TP: What are you aware of next?

CL: He’s pointing the gun at my head.  He’s going to put me out of my misery. It’s what I want him to do. I can’t handle it. I can’t handle the pain. Oh, oh, oh…it’s so painful.

Jim is keeled over in the chair and then onto the floor as he recalls discomfort.
He finally shoots me in the head.  I’m dying.

TP: What are the last thoughts you hear as you’re dying?
CL: That’s what you get. We won’t be seeing you here again. You’re about to be buried now. You’re done now.

TP: What are the last feelings and beliefs you have at death, which have become part of your survival pattern in the life?

CL: Anxiety, pain; fear of confronting.  Distrust of others, misery, and feeling like I just want to be alone and die.

TP: Be at the moment when you are no longer breathing and your lungs, heart, and brain shut down. When all of vital organs have stopped functioning, just let me know.

CL: They’ve stopped. I’m out. Oh, God it feels so good out of there. I feel a cool sensation and light. Thank God I don’t have to live like that [without a penis and in pain]. I don’t have to be afraid and anxious out of the body. I don’t have to confront anyone.

TP: Yes, you do Jim. This isn’t finished. If you can feel this freedom out of the body, you can feel it in the body. Allow yourself to be back in the body before the trauma. You know what happened to you. This experience is unfinished. Allow yourself to confront the man that killed you in this barbaric manner. Anger and sadness are normal emotion that needs to be expressed. Do I have permission to place a large pillow over your body?

CL: Yes.

TP: I’m going to apply some pressure to your groin.  [Jim immediately responds allowing him to snap out of victim mode and into a fighting for his survival mode. This is done to encourage him to reframe this trauma and regain his rights as human being through anger as he directs the emotion at its true source.]

CL: Get off of me! You’ve got nothing to do with this old man! [A large pillow is placed over Jim’s groin and then mouth with his permission. After Jim pushed the pillow symbolizing a gun away from his groin, he is instructed to hold the pillow over his mouth to scream his rage as loud as necessary.] I want to shoot him. I see myself doing it. Now, how does that feel?

TP: As you regain control of this situation, continue to speak everything that you’ve been holding in your groin and throughout your body. This trauma has negatively affected multiple aspects of your life.

CL: I don’t have to run from you or anybody [fear of confrontation]. You’re in my business [sexual affairs]. This is my business. I’m telling you how it is.

TP: Keep confronting.  Confronting doesn’t have to kill you again; it can save your life.

CL: Mind your own f-ing business! You have no right to shoot me! You’re crazy!

Jim has now re-experienced two lifetimes of being killed for using his penis (having sexual relations). He’s been engaging in multiple forms of self-punishment including sexual dysfunctions and penile deformity, which contribute to his unconsciously motivated survival-script of pain and shame to know he’s alive. Jim begins confronting his penis as if it were a separate entity.

CL: You caused me to be in fear, run from life, and get killed. You created all this trouble and made me do something I shouldn’t have done.  You couldn’t just keep yourself if your pants.

TP: Jim, your penis isn’t separate from you. It may seem this way as it was removed from your body with the gun shot. You need to integrate this body part to your entire body. It’s time to stop beating up yourself for something that a crazy person did to you.  What’s the truth?

CL: There is nothing inherently wrong with what I did. There is nothing wrong with having sex among consenting partners. Having sex is natural, normal, and a good thing. It’s right to have sex. It’s okay to have sex. I didn’t do anything wrong. Having sex doesn’t have to cause my death, again.

TP: Yes, and you don’t need to keep punishing yourself for something that is normal and natural. It’s also important that you realize where your fear of confrontation has been rooted as you unconsciously learned that initiating sex or confronting others even when they’re wrong can lead to pain and death. Everything the killer said about you during your shocking death has been a form of hypnosis [awareness through de-hypnosis is allowing him to access the truth]. What is the truth about your ability to handle challenges of life and the people in it? What is the truth about distrusting others, isolating yourself, living with anxiety, and feeling bad?

CL: I’ve been scarred of making someone angry even when I’m in the right. This fear is from me being around anger at the time of my death. An angry person killed me.  I shouldn’t have to live in isolation or imprisonment. I’ve done nothing wrong to feel badly about myself. I can handle anything that comes my way.

TP: Furthermore, you don’t need anxiety, pain, and fear to know you’re alive. These feelings have been part of your survival-script dictating that pain and suffering, although unpleasant, are necessary because they were the last feelings present before death [calm/peace]. This script can end as you become conscious of it and resolve the past. Your intuition will expand and you will know who you can trust. And as you move out of the role of victim/victimizer you will come into benign observer as someone no longer motivated by the confusion contained within the unconscious mind-body.

III. Jim’s present-life surgery.

TP: Jim, your penile surgery to correct the severe curvature you were born with needs to be addressed. Surgeries using anesthetic create an unconscious environment that can leave the mind vulnerable to any thoughts, spoken and non-verbal, even if they weren’t intended for you. I need you to be at the moment you are on the operating table. What are you aware of?

CL: Sharp objects are around me. Someone just asked me to pick out a radio station. I’m being asked to count backwards from 100. 100, 98, 97, I’m out.

TP: Continue to hear the surgeons examining and speaking around your body.  

CL: Okay, let’s see what we can do here. Let’s blow it up [symbolic of the gunshot blow form his past-life trauma] here and see what happens.

After the doctor induces an erection with saline solution, he examines the severity of the curvature.

Yeah, that’s pretty severe, alright. This may be one of the tougher jobs I’ve ever done. This may be a challenge. [These unconsciously recorded comments can reinforce life/activities/recovery will be tough and challenging even after surgery.]

I sense a sharp object going into the dorsal side of my penis.

Okay, we need to cut here, then here, and we need to mark here for cutting that muscle fiber so that it will straighten out.

I wonder if he’s ever had sex before.

I don’t know. That would be painful for somebody [This comment unconsciously reinforces a belief that one inflicts pain on others.] I guess that’s why he’s here. Let’s see what we can do.

Oh, can you imagine not being knocked out for this? This is going to be some painful recovery [Unknowingly, the surgeon or medical staff person has hypnotized their patient into sustaining a prolonged and painful recovery beyond what may be considered normal].

Poor guy, I can’t believe he’s been living like this.

Yeah, who knows what the cause is. It appears to be a birth defect. It’s the only known explanation. [As Jim’s past-life trauma indicated, his deformity stems from multiple, unresolved traumas to the groin.]

Wow, okay. We are going to snip here and cut here. And just sew up here. I think it’s going well so far. Alright, looking good and hopefully it turn out as well as some of my similar operations. Okay, let’s wrap it up. Get a catheter in. I hope he can have sex sometime after this. I feel I did everything I could do.

TP: Jim, be at the moment this operation is finished.

CL: Make sure he has plenty of pain meds. It’s going to be a wild thing to wake up to.

TP: What do you experience as you wake up?

CL:  I’m on my own. It feels like I’ve been out for days. It’s quiet. Wow, I don’t feel anything [highly medicated and feeling detached from his lower body]. My penis is wrapped with a catheter coming out. Wow, did that just happen?

TP: Yes, Jim. You re-experienced your surgery and all the thoughts around it that may be influencing your behavior and beliefs today.

CL: Oh God, I felt excruciating, sharp pain during a sleep erection. [Jim is feeling discomfort form the cellular memory of his surgery that is similar to the pain he felt during his past-life death. Although the memory of the pain is present, it’s not unbearable or painful during therapy.]

They held me overnight. They had to make sure I could urinate on my own.

TP: Jim what does an erection result in?

CL: Pain. I feel pain when I have an erection.

TP: And what voices did you record during the surgery that could be reinforcing this even after the recovery period?

CL: That [my penis] would be painful for somebody. My erect penis causes pain to myself and others and ultimately my death [past-life belief].

TP: What’s the truth now?

CL: It’s okay to have sex and it doesn’t have to be difficult [tough or challenging as recorded during the surgery]. It’s okay to have an erection and it doesn’t have to be painful to myself, others, or result in death. My penis can be erect and normal. It doesn’t have to point downward in shame and I can hold my head up.

TP: Excellent. Now, let’s count you back up out of the surgery so that you know this is completely finished.  Count back up from where you counted down to when the surgery/hypnotic state began.

CL: 97, 98, 100.

TP: Jim, the surgery is over. Recovery will be easy [as opposed to what he recorded: It’s going to be a wild thing to wake up to. This is going to be some painful recovery].

CL: I feel light right now. I feel light in my body like I did when I left it during the re-experiencing of my past-life deaths. I don’t have to run [from poisonous past-life arrows, gunshots, etc.]. The surgery is over. I can stop being a victimizer to my penis in the form of self-punishment. I can confront people when necessary and live without anxiety.


It should be noted that Jim’s surgery was physically successful. By reframing and resolving the emotional connections and unconscious dialogue of his past-life traumas and surgery, he can begin the everlasting transition from victim-victimizer to benign observer. Jim’s fear of intimacy, rejection, premature ejaculation issues, and impotency was reinforced by his past-life traumas and painful deaths shortly after sexual relations.

Prior to these past-life revelations, Jim’s therapy treatment also entailed his unconscious, prenatal period and birth experience which is essential to resolve as it often contains false beliefs. The mind records energy interpreted as feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that can confuse the mind into interpreting these incidents as one’s own dialogue. The conscious mind doesn’t activate until the umbilical cord is cut and even then the mind is influenced by others, but not nearly as vulnerable as the unconscious mind which has been recording mother’s thought process throughout pregnancy.

As a result, Jim’s anxiety issues were further influenced by his mother that continued the script of “as long as I’m experiencing anxiety and fear, at least I’m alive.” These familiar feelings were present at death. Hence, Jim unconsciously attracted parents and circumstances that continued this survival pattern that involves suffering as an integral part of life. Past Life Therapy aims to enable clients such as Jim to become conscious of this belief structure at its unconscious roots and resolve the events that are holding it in place.

Some of Jim’s prenatal involved the following internal thoughts by his mother when she learns of her pregnancy: “I don’t know what this will entail. I don’t know what I signed up for. I’m worried that I’ll make a mistake. What if I don’t do it right? I’m worried about its health, and providing for the baby. I’m worried about where we are going to live. I don’t know if I can do this.” This prenatal dialogue, which will be reactivated at birth, was the perfect match for Jim’s unresolved deaths. He’s simply continued being around fear, anxiety and confusion as part of his survival. Jim only knew peace and calm at death prior to his resolved, past-life traumas.  

Prior to this awareness, Jim’s survival has been based on questioning his health and ability to do things on his own. He has played out this belief pattern throughout his childhood with both of his parents. Jim mentioned that he would expect his father to get him out of predicaments and finish things for him. He recalls uncontrollable, physical shaking of his body when encountering people that needed to be confronted. Because confrontation has resulted in deaths, Jim has been unconsciously inclined to avoid situations that could result in someone disliking him and ultimately killing him.  His body has been reinforcing this belief.

Furthermore, Jim has been struggling with self-esteem and fears that aren’t real, though they feel real. They are contained within the unconscious mind as a belief structure from another time and place. Even his prenatal-birth was being replayed over and over as a false belief that mother’s fears and anxiety is a necessary component to confronting reality. Mother was given drugs to cope with pain of birth, which went into Jim’s body and reinforced drugs as the way to get through things in life. If mother was at ease about this pregnancy with herself, she would have known how to breathe through the birth easily and effortlessly with Jim unconsciously agreeing to help.

Instead, Jim and mother are performing an unconscious dance based in victimization. Jim’s first reaction when he was helped out of mother by the doctor was “Oh no, not again! Oh no, here I go again. I just want to go back and be safe.” This is a logical response having come from a life where he was unsafe, afraid, and brutally murdered. Hence, life is a struggle, and expressing yourself emotionally or sexually will result in a painful death.
IV. Jim’s present-life circumcision, additional clients’ circumcision experiences, and important considerations to examine before circumcising your newborn.

Since pain, anxiety, and struggle are part of Jim’s unconscious, victim-victimizer script, he’s a likely candidate for the medically unnecessary circumcision ritual that is especially prevalent in the United States, Israel and countries with a high percentage of practicing Muslims. A portion of this case study and article is dedicated to anyone perplexed by the decision to circumcise their newborn and debunking common myths.

Although Jim’s unresolved past-life traumas to his penis unconsciously attracted him to further victimization, I don’t believe most people who have had a circumcision have experienced an extreme trauma to their groin prior to death. However, lifetimes of circumcision, rapes, and molestations as victim and/or victimizer can be contributing factors.

Below are details from Jim’s circumcision and additional clients’ experiences during their PLTC de-hypnosis sessions, which allowed them to re-experience their circumcision. Surgical risks, latent sexual, behavioral, and emotional problems are also discussed with various sources, videos, etc. for examination. Please review the following sections carefully and conduct your own research before making an irreversible decision to circumcise.

Reuters / Stoyan Nenov

A. Jim’s recall and emotional resolution of his circumcision.

CL: We’re just going to take him now and do the circumcision. We’ll have him back for you soon.

TP: Allow yourself to know your physical position after the doctor takes you.  This will allow you to ground yourself in this experience rather than just observing/describing it.

CL:  I’m lying on my back in a little holding crib-like case. I feel the coldness of it. I’m wiggling back and forth, not knowing what’s going on. There is a doctor and nurse present.

TP: What are you aware of next?

CL: The doctor’s hands are up; he’s holding a sharp object. His hands are on my legs and then on my penis. He’s holding it. Here comes the sharp, scalpel-like thing.  He says, “Just hold him like that; Okay, I just have to cut the skin right here.”

TP: What do you feel?

CL: Ouch! Ugh! Ouch! I feel immense pain. [Jim is visibly disturbed as he moves his body in a hunched over position in the therapy chair.] It’s on the left side of my penis; the scalpel is cutting through the skin. Oh, Ouch! This hurts so much.

TP: Come to the moment this finishes; just know what is said or done to end this experience.

CL: The doctor says, “It will be okay buddy, I promise; just a routine procedure.”  He then takes the foreskin away.  And then says, “Good boy, that a boy; you’re a tough guy. You’ll be alright.”

TP: Notice how this man is defining a good boy/future man.

CL: To be tough and feel pain.
TP: What is he reinforcing by this circumcision?

CL: Life is painful. We have to suffer. You have to be tough.

TP: And how do you feel about this and what he did?

CL: Angry. [Circumcision can reinforce latent rage, distrust of others, anxiety, etc.]

TP: What would you like to do with your hand if you could?  Is this really alright as the doctor says?

CL:  No, it’s not okay! I’d push him away. Get off of me!  Get off!  Just get off of me!  Why are you doing that?  What in the hell is this for? Leave me alone!  Where is my Mom?

TP: Jim, continue to see yourself pushing him away and actually move your hands and kick your feet as you defend yourself and reclaim your right to a fully intact body. Breathe. This is over. You don’t have to re-experience this again if you feel this is resolved and finished.

CL: What did I do to deserve this? Oh my God, that hurt. I wish I hadn’t done that.


I asked Jim to define “that.” This is when Jim begins the recollection of the past-life gunshot wound to his groin that was mentioned earlier in this case study. Jim associated his circumcision with the past-life pain in his genitals and in retrospect wishes that he didn’t sleep with “that” girl, or use “that thing” (his penis), as it got him mercilessly killed. Jim’s circumcision reinforced pain and confusion experienced at the time of his death and is focused again in the same area of his body as the doctor reactivated his unresolved, past-life trauma.

Jim also mentioned that he wished that the doctor and assisting nurse wouldn’t have performed the circumcision. He then acknowledged that he wasn’t responsible for the circumcision; the ones who agreed to perform the surgery, including his parents who condoned it are accountable. However, his unresolved victim mindset at birth also unconsciously reinforced this procedure. His first reaction to recalling the circumcision during his de-hypnosis session was that it was his fault and that somehow he deserved this torture. This is stemming from his past-life confusion, which is finally surfacing for resolution.

B. Additional examples of present-life circumcision and its effects.

“I feel a sharp object on my genitals. I feel sadness, pain, and tension in this area. I feel shame [which can reinforce sexual guilt, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc.]. I’m screaming with pain. I’m feeling as if there is something wrong with me.”

When asked for the truth he replies, “There is something wrong with doctors if they assume there is something wrong with me and this most sensitive area. It’s as if I don’t own this part of my body and people can do whatever they want with it. I immediately distrust doctors and strangers as of this moment. I feel life is about escaping stress, pain and discomfort imposed by others.”

“I’m sensing that my mother wanted this done to me (she gave up my older brother for adoption) and now she’s going to do right this time by doing what others expect of her. All of these people assume I’m not perfect or insufficient. I feel less than. I feel that I’m a victimized person on my first day of life.”  He then acknowledges feelings of shame and anger as a result of the surgery.

There are clients who notice the confusing messages from their procedure, such as “This won’t hurt a bit,” or, “Look at that little thing," (reinforcing insecurity about one's penis size or sexual abilities later in life) or, “This will make you a man.” Then there are others who conclude that circumcision has unconsciously implied, "It's going to be a painful life, just get used to it."  Circumcision does cause harm that can reinforce a culture of angry, confused men that either express rage onto others or repress their feelings, which can manifest into emotional and physical problems throughout their lifetimes until resolved.
C. Important considerations and potentially life-long ramifications of circumcision.

Excerpts from Proposed Michigan House Bill 4707, Pediatric Pain Management

"The legislature recognizes...that it has been scientifically proven that a human fetus feels pain and that pre-term infants and full-term infants respond to pain and have memory of pain...A physican shall not peform a surgical procedure or other painful procedure, including, but not limited to, circumcision, on a patient who is a pre-term infant, full-term infant, child, or adolescent and who is paralyzed by a chemcial agent or is physically restrained, unless the patient is anesthetized...The physician also shall inform the parent or guardian about the advantages, disadvantages, and risks of each method of pain and symptom management...Failure to provide appropriate and adequate control of pain in those patients amounts to substandard and unethical medical practice."

It’s estimated that 60% of boys born in the U.S.A. are circumcised for religious, aesthetic, or traditional reasons, which are considered medically unnecessary by many doctors and organizations such as The American Academy of Pediatrics (Note: As of Aug. 27, 2012, their views are leaning towards pro-circumcision). Questions that you may want to ask yourself if you’re thinking about circumcising your child: What are my reasons for circumcising my newborn? Is it due to societal or religious expectations? Is there an assumption that circumcising boys is “natural” or expected? If so, could this belief stem from a misinformed parent or partner who has instilled in your mind that circumcision is normal and beneficial?

Are you uneasy about explaining to your present or future child how to properly clean his genitals? Are you uncomfortable discussing the topic in general? If the answers to any of these questions are yes, is the decision to circumcise more about your own unresolved issues?

After considering your responses to these questions, you may want to research the most common myths about circumcision some of which are outlined here:

1. Circumcision prevents disease.
2. Circumcised men don’t have emotional and behavioral issues due to the surgery.
3. Circumcisions can’t damage the penis, create sexual problems, lessen sexual pleasure, or cause death.
4. Circumcisions are justified due to religious practices.

Myth 1: Circumcision prevents disease.

If someone hasn’t resolved victim-victimizer, survival pattern from past lives, any “dis-ease” can stem from unresolved, traumatic death experience that will emotionally support sicknesses regardless of circumcision. Circumcision isn’t going to prevent worldwide diseases. If anything, it is continuing victimization as one’s body is violated without consent. Also, it encourages less penile sensitivity making condom usage even less tolerated. There are conflicting studies on circumcision and claims of disease prevention; however, a study by Norm Cohen debunks many myths.

Norm Cohen, Director, NOCIRC of Michigan, states:

Circumcision is the only surgery in history ever recommended as a universal means of preventing disease. Nowhere else in medicine is surgery on a healthy organ considered an alternative to proper hygiene. The claim that circumcision prevents AIDS was made on the basis of observational studies of men already circumcised and randomized controlled trials where men underwent a circumcision at the start of the study.

All of the studies attempted to predict what happened on a microscopic level by studying conditions on a macro level, which is far less precise. Researchers were not able to observe exactly when, where, or how each individual got infected. Therefore, a fundamental assumption was made that is possible to draw conclusions about the mode of transmission of HIV by enumerating the success of transmission in specific populations.

[Regarding penile sensitivity and HIV transmission], the most common reason men give for not wearing a condom is that it reduces sensation and pleasure. Circumcised men experience a progressive loss of sensitivity as a result of their circumcision, [which] will only discourage condom use further.  [Furthermore], loss of penile skin from circumcision frequently results in tightened, scarred skin on the erect penis.

This eventually increases friction during intercourse, which increases the likelihood of abrasion through which HIV can pass…[also], circumcision advocates propose to persuade men to be circumcised because it will protect them, and afterwards tell them not to have unprotected sex because it won’t protect them. This dangerous [and confusing] message may make many circumcised men worldwide feel that since they are now [supposedly] at decreased risk, they are sufficiently protected without condoms. (Science Fact or Science Fiction: Could Circumcision Really Prevent AIDS? By: Norm Cohen, Director, NOCIRC of Michigan, 08/18/2007,


Protestors march peacefully outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC in support of protecting the civil rights of children.  Photo by James Loewen.

In addition, Dr. Guy Madder, a surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, Australia, reports in the Annals of Family Medicine that there is no convincing evidence that circumcision decreases the risk of sexually transmitted disease, urinary tract infections or penile cancer. PLTC doesn’t claim that these studies or similar ones provide conclusive evidence that circumcision prevents disease, however, if the decision to circumcise or not to circumcise is being determined solely by the claim that circumcision prevents STD’s, one may want to investigate these claims further from various sources.

Furthermore, I’ve found that clients with STD’s usually suffer from unresolved issues of past-life rape, molestation, and fatal pregnancies, surgeries, or traumas to the parts of the body which are manifesting a disease for emotional resolution. Past Life Therapy clients underlying, unconscious messages that were recorded during past-life traumas or diseases often entail disparaging remarks such as “You’re nothing,” “You’re worthless,” “You deserve this,” “You don’t exist,” and ultimately “You deserve to die.”

These comments coming from outside of someone during an unconscious state such as traumatic deaths confuse the mind into thinking these beliefs are one’s own. They can also reinforce a mind-body belief that “I’m not perfect as I am; I’m damaged; I’m not good enough, etc.” These imperfection beliefs communicate to every cell in the body to “act out imperfectly” as the mind encompasses the full body, not just the brain. Consequently, the mind can dictate both unconsciously and consciously to remain a victim in a multitude of ways until the sources of these beliefs are resolved.
Moreover, AIDS, an ultimate victimization experience, can be reinforced by an unconscious desire to die as the only way to temporarily escape the confusion that has taken over one’s life and body. Circumcision is just another element in the karmic cycles of victimization, which can reactivate the belief that “there is something wrong with me and this part of my body.” Regardless of one’s belief in reincarnation, the fact remains that even though the U.S.A. has more circumcised men than other countries, STD rates are the same or more pronounced than countries where circumcision is less common.

Myth 2: Circumcised men don’t have emotional and behavioral issues due to the surgery.

Circumcising boys with the intention of preventing disease or for societal and religious reasons may be influencing a culture of men experiencing repressed anger, pain, distrust and frustration. For example, Alexithymia is the inability to express feelings with words. In a pilot study, the inability to “put words to feelings was four times higher in circumcised boys” (Why Circumcision is Unnecessary-Youtube video, John Travis, MD). If one cannot process or articulate their feelings, discussions and interactions with others can lead to miscommunications, animosities, and even acting out physically instead of easily responding to one’s emotions and concerns.

If the babies being circumcised could speak, as my clients have been allowed to do in therapy sessions, it’s evident that the memory of circumcision is one of immense pain, rage, and underlying sadness. Although the recollections of the surgery years afterwards may not be accessible without undergoing de-hypnosis, it’s important to resolve this trauma as it can unconsciously affect one’s emotional well-being, relationships, etc.

Incidentally, full anesthetization during circumcision doesn’t solve the aftermath of the surgery because the unconscious mind remains vulnerable to the same thoughts and feelings coming from the doctor and staff, e.g., this will make you a tough man, you’re not good enough, this will make you right. In other words, the anesthetized child can grow up with the same physical and behavioral effects of repressed and misdirected anger that the non-anesthetized individuals experience.  

Myth 3: Circumcisions can’t damage the penis, create sexual problems, lessen sexual pleasure, or result in death.

Circumcisions most certainly can damage a boy’s penis. A quick Google search will bring up horrific images of botched circumcision or incomplete circumcisions that may require penoplasty—another risky procedure involving plastic surgery to the penis that can result in a painful recovery or surgical complications.

How common are complications? This depends on how you label a complication. For example, penile foreskin is anatomically the most sensitive part of the organ. It ensures satisfactory sex. It's therefore reasonable to argue that in this instance the complication rate is 100 percent because it decreases sexual satisfaction.

There's another aspect never mentioned in the discussion of the pros and cons of this surgery. Today, erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs are being used by an increasing number of males…how many males who require ED drugs could have experienced a longer and more satisfactory sex life, if this sensitive foreskin had not been removed[?].

A primary problem is the incorrect use of the circumcision clamp. In some cases too much foreskin is pulled into the clamp resulting in injury, not only to the shaft of the penis, but also to the urinary tube (urethra) that runs through it. The most traumatic complication in the past caused the amputation of part of the penis.

Such traumatic injuries to the penis and urethra often result in urinary stricture and difficulty passing urine. Or, the injury may result in a urethral fistula, in which urine is discharged through an abnormal opening. These complications are not easy to repair, and what starts out as a minor procedure becomes a major one…There have been bizarre problems one would never think of happening. For instance, one newborn screamed during the procedure with such intensity that the stomach ruptured requiring emergency surgery. Another developed heart failure and died; still another [formed] a bleeding disorder. (It’s Well Past Time To End Male Circumcision, W. Gifford-Jones MD, 03/26/2010).

Other problems that can develop and even cause death as a result of circumcision involve infections, anesthetic over dosage, and even suicides from emotionally distraught individuals who have had botched circumcisions. However, the direct cause of the deaths is rarely attributed to the surgery itself; hence, the procedure is still promoted as safe and necessary. There are also studies that claim men with botched circumcisions are more likely to be incarcerated or to commit suicide due to their repressed rage and frustration.

In 1966, when David Reimer was 8 months old, his circumcision was botched and he lost his penis to burns. Psychologist John Money suggested that baby David be given a sex change. The parents agreed, but what they didn’t know was that Money secretly wanted to use David as part of an experiment to prove his views that gender identity was not inborn, but rather determined by nature and upbringing. David was renamed Brenda, surgically altered to have a vagina, and given hormonal supplements — but tragically the experiment backfired. "Brenda" acted like a stereotypical boy throughout childhood, and the Reimer family began to fall apart. At 14, Brenda was told the truth, and decided to go back to being David. He committed suicide at the age of 38 (

For those that have a “successful” surgery, there can be a lifetime of sexual frustration awaiting them from an increased inclination for erectile dysfunction to premature ejaculation. Intact News, an advocacy group against male circumcision, reports current studies:

A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have 3 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men, revealing what appears to be a significant acquisition vector. Researchers Dan Bollinger and Robert S. Van Howe, M.D., M.S., FAAP found a strong association between circumcision and ED in their survey of 300 men (OR = 4.53, p=.0058). What other studies support this finding and what could be an underlying cause?

Eighteen percent of adult American men—three-fourths of whom are circumcised—have ED, affecting 18 million men. Circumcision’s role as a risk factor may be reflected in ED drug sales; while the United States represents 5% of the world’s population it also accounts for 46% of Viagra sales. Other studies have previously observed that circumcision’s damage results in worsened erectile functioning, inability to maintain an erection, and reducing the gland’s sensitivity, including an overall penis sensitivity reduction by 75%. A recent study discovered that premature ejaculation is five times more likely when adjusted for erectile dysfunction and circumcision. A new Danish study also found that circumcised men are three times more likely to have sexual dysfunction.

Other cases of importance involve the findings from individuals electing to be circumcised as adults and comparing their experiences to when they were fully intact.

In one such study, circumcision worsened erectile function and decreased penile sensitivity, and 38% reported sexual harm. Another survey found that 27% of recently circumcised adult men reported dissatisfaction with their erectile functioning. In a third study, the number of men reporting erectile dysfunction almost doubled after circumcision, and ED severity increased, too. A fourth before-and-after study found that 35% of participants had a worsened sex life after circumcision and that their partners had a 46% reduction in satisfaction. The study implicated loss of nerve endings as a reason [damage to the perineal nerve]. The true dissatisfaction rate is probably higher than these failure rates since all of the men elected circumcision, and would naturally be biased toward the outcome being beneficial even when it wasn’t. (Acquisition of Erectile Dysfunction from Circumcision By: IntactNews, 10/24/2011)

Besides from being dependent on ED drugs with unpleasant side effects, there is increased dependence on over the counter lubrications, which are mostly sold in the USA, compared to those with intact penises that provide natural emollients. The foreskin contains pleasure receptor nerves and is an important protective function providing between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings.  Removing foreskin can remove sensation from a man’s penis making it that much more difficult to enjoy sex the way it was intended or when using a condom.

Circumcised men can have less interest in foreplay due to decreased sensitivity and difficulty sustaining an erection, which can result in a rushed sexual experiences and dissatisfaction for the involved partners. Furthermore, heterosexual women report stronger erections and pleasure from circumcised men, which can provide a ribbed effect similar to what condom manufacturers are trying to achieve with ribbed condoms. There is astronomical money earned by hospitals and pharmaceutical companies from the most common surgery in the U.S.A. (circumcisions) to the ED drugs that can follow, making male genital mutilation more about economics than anything else.

According to John Dugan, a men’s health writer for, his article Does Circumcision Cause Loss of Penis Sensation? 27 June 2012 states:

Most complaints about lack of adequate penis sensation come from circumcised men. The glans (head) of the penis, as well as the foreskin itself, are full of nerve endings. This nervous tissue is important for experiencing sexual pleasure. Removing the foreskin eliminates many of these nerves and results in the loss of natural lubrication. In addition, exposing the glans creates continual friction through contact with clothing. This leads to thickening of the dermal tissue and deadening of the nerve cells [resulting] in a lifelong reduction of natural penis sensitivity.

Current medical research indicates that there is no medical benefit to removing the foreskin. In the past, some people considered circumcision to be a matter of hygiene, as it was thought to prevent buildup of foreign material under the skin. However, regular washing is all that is generally needed to eliminate this problem. Numerous side effects of circumcision include:

• Scarring;
• Tightening of the skin which causes bending during erections;
• Increased risk of infection;
• Irritation;
• Loss of sensation due to constant exposure.

Below is an important video by John W. Travis, MD that everyone considering circumcision for their child or currently having sexual problems should see as it elaborates on the issues a circumcised man and his sexual partners may encounter (it's recommended that you continue reading and return to watch these informative videos):

Dr. John W. Travis, Why Circumcision is Unnecessary

Other important videos:

Dr. Dean Edell on Circumcision

Circumcision - Just say NO! Part 1

Circumcision - Just say NO! Part 2

Advocacy Groups against Circumcision

PLTC does not claim to agree with everything written by the authors of any articles/videos, their stated sources, or the overall agenda of websites and its sponsors mentioned in this case study. That said, these are some important resources providing education on the risks of circumcision. “The bottom line is it's [circumcision is] unethical,” said Georganne Chapin, founding director of Intact America. “A normal foreskin on a normal baby boy is no more threatening than the hymen or labia on your daughter.”

According to an article that appeared on the front page of the science section of Tuesday's New York Times (1/31/12), "The day of the assembly-line circumcision is drawing closer." The article states that two new devices, named PrePex and the Shang Ring, will greatly increase the ease and speed with which nurses can perform circumcisions in Africa, with the goal of circumcising 20 million men by 2015.

The tone of the article shows a shocking disregard for the pain and risk involved in circumcision, the loss of functional tissue, and the negative impact on sexual function—not to mention the overwhelming proof that circumcision at best lowers the transmission rate of HIV from women to men, but not from men to women, and that the only way to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted HIV is to practice safe sex. Rather, the focus is solely on the use of American tax dollars to pay for mass circumcisions. According to Dr. Jason Reed, an epidemiologist in the global AIDS division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "PrePex teams could mean circumcising around 400 men a day, rather than the 60 to 80 a busy team now does. And the surgeon could go do something more important."

[Please] write to the New York Times by emailing letters@nytimes [see tips for getting your letter published] and tell them that the male foreskin is indeed "important," and that circumcision does not prevent HIV! (

Myth 4:  Circumcisions are justified due to religious practices.

Myth – To oppose male circumcision is religious and cultural bigotry.
Fact –
Many who oppose the permanent alteration of children's genitals do so because they believe in universal human rights. All children, regardless of their ethnicity or culture, have the right to be protected from bodily harm (

Is it acceptable to harm a child in the name of God, religion, etc.? One may have a right to practice religion, but one shouldn’t have a right to inflict pain on a newborn that can’t speak. Religion has been used to justify countless wars, physical discipline of children by rod (Proverbs 23: 13-14), and even stoning those that aren’t part of one’s belief system. Why would circumcision be any different? It’s just more “victimization credit.” Most religions rely on victims unworthy of God’s love to finance their institutions as their parishioners remain stuck in a cycle of repentance hoping for salvation. The greatest victim gets the most attention at judgment day and even cancer is a test to prove one’s loyalty to one’s religion as proclaimed by popular TV evangelists suffering from the disease.

Approximately 50% of my Past Life Therapy sessions involve clients who have been victimized by their religion in at least one or more of their past-lifetimes, such as by being molested by priests/rabbis, beaten by nuns, hit by parents, or suppressed and stifled for trying to be themselves. For some, their victimization involved being hung or burned at the stake for questioning religion, God, or even for having an “alternative” thought. These abuses can affect their well-being in subsequent lifetimes until these experiences are resolved within the mind. Furthermore, circumcision advocates who base their decisions on religion are often practicing a form of “cafeteria” religion riddled with contradictions. Religious confusion isn’t justification for circumcision. It’s just another violation to the body similar to the many injustices done to the soul and body in the name of religion with its history of victim-victimizer wars and brainwashing.

The point is that one has a right to continue these unconscious and conscious cycles of victimization and believe that problems will magically become resolved in the afterlife, but there are many of us choosing to end this cycle and who don’t rely on hope or blind faith. And for those who have attained this consciousness, the message from this article is a plea to allow newborns the opportunity to consider a circumcision when they’re old enough to examine the risks, perceived benefits, or any religious concerns, if any.

I also can’t stress enough the importance of watching Cut by Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon, who is an influential Jewish voice bringing attention to the circumcision debate. Notice the alcohol used during the Jewish cutting ceremony as an attempt to numb the child. It’s a celebration for the entire family that involves inflicting pain, encouraging drug usage (similar to anesthetic if it’s used during a surgery), and setting into motion for the child an unconscious belief that “there is something wrong with me” and that life will involve suffering, suppressed anger, frustration, distrust of others, and drugs/alcohol to get you through while people laugh. The film also addresses that although there isn’t an explicit requirement to perform circumcisions under Jewish teachings, it shows one’s covenant to the religion, i.e. one’s devotion to victimization.


There is some promise that attitudes are changing around the globe as recently Norway proposed a circumcision ban (June 2012).  According to Centre Party justice policy spokeswoman Jenny Klinge, circumcision is “outdated, dangerous, and barbarous. In my view, this is a custom that we cannot accept in a modern, civilized society. Our aim is to prioritize the rights of small children. Fortunately, it has become forbidden to circumcise girls, now it’s time for boys to get the same legal protection,” Klinge told newspaper Dagbladet.

“Circumcision based on ritual and religion is actually about holding down a newborn baby boy and cutting off part of a healthy sexual organ, with all the consequences that this might have for an individual's future health and sex life. I’m not buying the argument that banning circumcision is a violation of religious freedom, because such freedom must involve being able to choose for themselves. With this in mind, performing a circumcision on religious grounds ought to be made a criminal offence.” She stressed that she was not opposed to circumcision in cases where it was deemed a medical necessity.

Jan Helge Solbakk, a professor of medical ethics at Oslo University, agreed with Klinge's criticism of the practice. "It represents an irreversible operation on a boy who is not in a position to protect himself, and as such is in breach of basic human rights," he told Dagbladet.

Meanwhile in Germany, on June 27, 2012 a German court has banned religious circumcision. Circumcisions of young boys on religious grounds should be considered as grievous bodily harm, a regional court in Cologne, Western Germany, has said. It has ruled that the 'fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents.'

circumcision abuse, botched, anti-circumcisioncircumcision abuse, botched, anti-circumcisioncircumcision restraint strap cruel botchedmale penis circumcision surgerycircumcision cruelty genital mutilation


It shouldn’t be assumed that there is anything wrong with a child (view previous PLTC articles about mandatory vaccinations) and/or his penis. Everyone that is reincarnated isn’t returning to repeat victimization as they may have moved through the karmic cycle of victim-victimizer in their previous lifetimes. Perhaps the decision to circumcise should be made by the child when he is an adult, and not made by guardians on behalf of a defenseless child who cannot speak for themselves.

When circumcised babies become adults, they can hold repressed anger from their circumcisions whether they were performed correctly or botched, and underneath this rage is unexpressed sadness. The latent trauma of circumcision can trigger later in life as unresolved and emotionally reinforced shame, depression, sexual dysfunction, insecurity, etc. and can unconsciously encourage abusive relationships or self-abuse behaviors.

Medical doctors are expected to abide by a Hippocratic Oath to provide ethical treatment and abstain from inflicting harm to their patients. The guardians and doctors agreeing to circumcisions may want to fully question whether these painful, mind-altering, and physically damaging procedures are in the best interest of the child, or if it has more to do with their own unresolved issues. If it’s due to wanting to avoid the topic of instructing a child how to properly clean his penis (which shouldn’t be any different from educating a girl about her period, reproduction, etc.), or if it’s from an assumed cultural/religious expectation that boys would be better off circumcised, then one should address the source of these beliefs before making a major decision to circumcise a child.

In regards to Jim, who graciously agreed to the publication of this case study, he’s reported making great strides in his life because of Past Life Therapy. He no longer needs to feel overwhelmed with anxiety (including partaking in life-threatening adventures) to know that he’s alive and he’s open to having children in the future without fear that he’s passing on ‘bad genes.’ Jim’s victimization patterns are unique to him and any unresolved survival patterns that a newborn child may bring with him or her for resolution will be addressed when that child is ready. In the meantime, I sincerely hope that this article will promote discussion on circumcision as it’s too often brushed aside as insignificant when it’s very important as it can have far reaching physical and emotional effects.


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Past Life Therapy sessions can be scheduled online to book Dr. Thomas Paul, Master Clinical Past Life Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and founder of Past Life Therapy Center. PLTC has its primary office in Los Angeles, CA and Dr. Thomas Paul can be retained worldwide for week-long intensives and distance/phone/Skype sessions. The PLTC/Netherton-Paul Method of Past Life Therapy and De-Hypnosis is available exclusively at Past Life Therapy Center®.

If you know someone that may be interested in Past Life Therapy, please forward this article or refer-a-friend to PLTC's website. A belief in reincarnation or spirituality isn't necessary for PLTC's process to effectively enable a healthy mind-body.   

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Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision: A Justifiable Double Standard?
(Andrew DeLaney, St. John’s University School of Law)


Ban Circumcision   Unspeakable Mutilations: Circumcised Men Speak Out (Lindsay Watson)

(More important tweets at the end of this article/case study, below the comments section. And St. John’s University School of Law Thesis)

The Culture Behind the CDC’s New Proposal

Posted by Adrienne Carmack, MD in Genital Autonomy 

The Centers for Disease Control has recently proposed making the recommendation that doctors inform parents, boys, and men that circumcision can reduce their risk of contracting HIV and other STDs. This proposal reflects a dangerous mix of bad science and strong cultural organization to support its harmful practices.

Imagine if a Somalian medical organization sent a group of researchers to the United States to recruit adult women to undergo removal of parts of their clitoral hoods (prepuces), labia minora, or some other part of their genitals. Then, they watched these women for a few months to see if they acquired HIV less often than their counterpart women who did not have their genitals altered. Very few Americans would consider this reasonable. We are blinded by our culture.

This “science” has never proved that circumcising is going to prevent a man from getting HIV. Firstly, we know that this claim is absolutely impossible. HIV is transmitted by sexual intercourse and the exchange of body fluids. Circumcision does not prevent this. Many circumcised men have HIV. That is simple and obvious. It is right in front of our eyes. These studies showed a less than 2% reduction in the rate of HIV acquisition in a very short follow-up after the surgery was performed. These African men had surgery on their penises with a mandatory minimum 6-week period of abstinence and visited health clinics in which they were getting sex education and condoms. It is no wonder they acquired less sexually transmitted diseases. No long-term follow-up has been done to show if these differences remained. And even if they had, it doesn’t matter. HIV can be prevented. But not by circumcision.

The promotion by our culture of the removal of healthy, functional, sexual, sensitive tissue makes it so clear that we are just as blind as the people in the other countries who are cutting their little girls. Look at the recommendations of all the other medical organizations in the developed world. They don’t recommend circumcision because it is harmful and it is not a valid medical procedure.

The reason our little girls in this country remain intact is because our instincts to protect them have remained intact. The fact that scientific studies and organizational guidelines promoting male circumcision are being supported shows us how much our instincts to protect our boys have been lost.

It is unethical to use fear to coerce people into complying with social norms. It is not okay to cut your children’s healthy genitals. Period.


In compliance with state and federal laws, PLTC does not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure diseases. PLTC provides alternative/healing arts therapy that encourages emotional resolution of current challenges at their unconscious sources; this may include past lives, prenatal/birth experiences, present-life traumas, surgeries, etc.  PLTC's Method of Past Life Therapy provides a uniquely thorough form of past life regression, hypnotherapy and hypnosis for enabling clients to overcome health, personal and professional challenges.  Information contained in this article has not been evaluated by the FDA or any psychological or medical licensing body.  Written approval was received to anonymously publish this article/case study for educational purposes.



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The CDC vs Penises Dec 3 2014

Source: The Dish: Andrew Sullivan

The latest federal medical guidelines for circumcision are now out, and they emphatically want to return to the era in which infant boys are routinely subjected to the surgical removal of their foreskins – and even adolescent and adult men encouraged to cut their penises. A couple of things need to be emphasized, it seems to me. The core argument is about lowering the risk of HIV infection:

“The first thing it’s important to know is that male circumcision has been associated with a 50 to 60 percent reduction of H.I.V. transmission, as well as a reduction in sexually transmitted infections such as herpes, bacterial vaginosis and the human papilloma virus (H.P.V.), which causes penile and cervical cancer,” Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of the CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, told The New York Times.

The evidence for this is entirely with respect to heterosexual sex, and in sub-Saharan Africa, where, unlike in the US, heterosexual sex accounts for the vast majority of HIV infections. It refers, moreover, only to those cases where men are infected by HIV-positive women – a small fraction of the total HIV cases in the US. You wouldn’t know this from Mermin’s statement – which seems to me designed to scare parents with the HIV boogeyman, rather than present them with a clear sense of the tiny potential health benefits involved. (There’s no evidence that circumcision can reduce the chances of HIV infection in gay sex, which accounts for the big majority of US HIV infections.)

To flesh out its case, the CDC cites a statistic that estimates that 10 percent of HIV infections in men can be attributed to female-to-male transmission in the US. It’s worth reiterating that these statistics are estimates, not actual numbers. And the actual number of men estimated to be at risk from this kind of infection is a mere 4,000 a year. Around 2 million boys are born in the US every year. So the future risk of an infant boy getting infected with HIV by a woman, using the CDC’s own argument, is 0.2 percent, or two in a thousand baby boys. And remember, we cannot know that these men were infected by women – it’s an inference – and self-reporting on the matter is extremely unreliable.

We have some other circumstantial data with respect to HIV transmission and circumcision in the West. The AIDS epidemic was far worse in the US – with much higher rates of circumcision – than in Europe, where the infant mutilation was far less prevalent. We’ve also seen a major shift downward in circumcision rates in the US and no sudden upsurge in infection rates. Then there’s the simple fact that we now have a non-surgical preventative daily pill that prevents HIV infection [Note: PLTC : Past Life Therapy Center doesn't support Pharma Fraud; Disease is emotionally reinforced by unresolved past lives.], as well as condoms, providing a way for men to protect themselves from HIV without permanently scarring their dicks.

Somehow, none of this context is spelled out in the recommendations. Neither is any non-medical concern – such as not having your body permanently mutilated without your consent. The impact on sexual sensitivity is also unmentioned – because pleasure has no place in assessing mere medical costs and benefits. The reductions in the risk of getting herpes or HPV are also minimal. If I were to offer any recommendations for the final report on this, it would be for the real and minuscule potential medical benefits of circumcision to be spelled out more clearly, and the non-medical costs to be weighed at least in part. When the potential benefits of this are so marginal, the case for doing nothing – and doing no actual harm – seems to be a powerful one.

18 March 2013

International physicians protest against American Academy of Pediatrics’ policy on infant male circumcision

Circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and doctors’ oath and can have serious long-term consequences, state an international group of 38 physicians from 16 European countries in Pediatrics today. They comment on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ new policy on infant male circumcision.

There are no compelling health arguments in favor of circumcision, while it can have serious long-term urological, psychological and sexual consequences. And performing medically unwarranted circumcision of underage boys conflicts with good medical practice. Male infant circumcision conflicts with children’s rights and the doctors’ oath not to do harm.

This is the main message of an international group of doctors in reaction to the policy of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), issued in August 2012, promoting non-therapeutic circumcision of boys. In an article in the scientific journal Pediatrics today, the authors comment on this policy and state that physicians and their professional organizations should discourage parents from having their healthy infant boys circumcised.

Among the authors are presidents and representatives of several national medical associations and societies of pediatricians and pediatric surgeons. The Dutch Urology Association (NVU), Pediatric Association (NVK) and surgeons (NVvH) also signed as authors of the article. Already in 2010, all relevant medical associations adopted the identical viewpoint of the Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG).

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