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Past Life Therapy Center prides itself on maintaining client confidentiality. Written approval was received to anonymously publish these case studies and newsletter articles for educational purposes. In compliance with federal laws, PLTC does not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure diseases.
Anxiety and male sexual issues reinforced by past life traumas and circumcision resolved with the Past Life Therapy Center® Method, which includes an analysis of the emotional and physical risks of present-day circumcisions...Jim: "I can’t live with this. I want to die. He’s over me saying, That’s what you get when you f*** with my family, boy. How does that feel? Now what are you going to do with it? You thought you were going to get away with it? How you feeling now? It looks like we won’t be seeing you around her no more. I’m about to dig a hole for your ass. You’re done, son."