Past Life Therapy FAQ

Past Life Therapy, or certain types of past life regression and hypnotherapy, requires willing participation, but a belief in reincarnation, karma, or spirituality isn't necessary for its effectiveness. The therapy process is a journey that may seem imaginative at times; however, the unconscious truth will prevail with the Past Life Therapy Center® De-Hypnosis Method. This is especially the case when giving one's body a voice and by speaking any initial thoughts that come to one's mind during session. In particular, unconscious states from prenatal, past lives, surgeries, and previous states of shock or trauma are explored and released. As a result, any debilitating aspects of a person's past will surface for emotional, physical, and spiritual resolution.
PLTC utilizes a focused state of de-hypnosis, unlike hypnosis that often entails suggestive methods, which rarely works long-term, if at all. De-hypnosis enables a person to make the unconscious become conscious for deeper resolution of unresolved, emotional issues that can reinforce health, career, relationship, or behavioral challenges. Regression into past lives isn't as complicated as it may seem. It's the method a past life therapist implements to resolve issues when regressed into past experiences that achieves therapeutic, lasting results and separates "past life regression" from clinical past life therapy.
Learn more at PLTC Newsletters* subscribe and PLTC Bookstore; Past Life Therapy Center® Los Angeles Founder: Dr. Thomas Paul, DCH
*Recommended Reading: Past Life Therapy Case Studies, Past Life Regression Articles I, Past Life Regression Articles II
Featured Questions: What are the most common ailments and mental challenges addressed by Past Life Therapy Center in its de-hypnosis sessions?
How many PLTC sessions are necessary to achieve results?
a.) Past Life Therapy is a process of self-discovery, enlightenment, and spiritual healing. It's becoming conscious of what ails a person by revealing and resolving unresolved, present- and past-life experiences affecting one's health and quality of life.
b.) Past Life Therapy utilizing the Netherton-Paul PLT Method involves a form of clinical dehypnosis or "focused-state" for resolving repressed and/or suppressed memories affecting virtually any issue, such as addictions, weight issues, mood disorders, physical pains, anxieties, and countless dysfunctions.
c.) It's accessing the past-life, survival-based root of current issues, which conventional therapies cannot provide, with a self-guided, efficient method for resolving unconscious patterns contributing to emotional, physical, and behavioral challenges.
d.) It's creating consciousness through eliminating the influence of unconscious programming from previous traumas, emotionally charged events, drug-induced surgeries, or prenatal/birth experiences.
e.) PLT utilizes a natural function of the mind for resolving unconscious issues. There isn't any suggestive therapy or "erasing" of memories utilized. PLTC clients are fully aware of what they are experiencing and learning from each session and a belief in karma, spirituality, or past lives is not necessary for its effectiveness.
f.) It's accessing cellular/soul memory to resolve any past experiences unconsciously contributing to mental/physical ailments or dis-ease. Every cell in the body contains memory (see Dr. Candace Pert’s and Dr. Ernest Rossi’s research findings on body memory and emotional receptors in Past Life Therapy Theory with Brief Examples by Dr. Morris Netherton). Many sessions begin by asking a client to say the first words that come to mind when isolating chronic pain in the body, and speaking as if the body part or ache could communicate. Often times, present day ailments are identical or similar injuries/traumas from previous lifetimes. By allowing the mind to access experiences that have remained unresolved within the unconscious mind, the negative, survival-based patterns and its corresponding/emotionally-reinforced ailments can be resolved.
g.) PLT encourages full resolution which changes motivation and behaviors. Reframing or completion of a past-life experience occurs when the client releases the energy of the experience, e.g., by saying or doing what was not said or done prior to and during the original trauma. Even if only in the mind's imagination, catharsis and closure can be achieved.
h.) It's a process of ending "karmically"/unconsciously motivated victimization patterns. Past Life Therapy resolves fears, traumas, and their associated confusion, which unconsciously can hold the motivation for victim-victimizer behaviors in place. Released from these identities, PLT stimulates the development of one's intuition and shifts their law of attraction in order to manifest people and circumstances in alignment with an improved life experience. The client can then attract healthy, loving relationships, and feel what is sometimes called inner peace.
i.) It's a process that encourages an internally supported sense of well-being, confidence, and centeredness without external reinforcements or drugs.
j.) A process of releasing the belief that you have to do something or be with someone you don't want (i.e., living as a victim) and then consciously aligning with only your thoughts (without influence from the unconscious mind) in order to discover your purpose in this lifetime and truly do what you want as a benign observer.
k.) Past Life Therapy entails finally facing the dark (e.g. fear) to encourage the light (e.g. inner peace).
2.) What if I can't be hypnotized or re-experience my past lives?
Everyone can re-experience past lives through hypnosis or de-hypnosis. You are already in many ways ‘hypnotized.’ De-hypnosis or ‘focused-state’ methods are utilized to access unresolved experiences from past lifetimes paralleling or showing up in present-life experiences. Once in a focused state the mind will gravitate to those issues that most need to be resolved including the past-life source affecting your current quality of life. All clients can access unconscious dialogue from traumas, birth, surgeries, etc. A highly trained clinical past life hypnotherapist utilizing the Netherton-Paul PLT Method has the skills necessary to perform this therapeutic process safely and effectively. Thomas Paul, C.Ht., M.C.P.L.T, has over 6 years (1000+ hours) of extensive and continual private training with Dr. Morris Netherton, who retired from his full-time practice of 45 years processing over 40,000 sessions. For more information on hypnosis, see Hypnosis/Dehypnosis Myths.
3.) What is The Netherton Method of clinical hypnotherapy/Past Life Therapy?
Dr. Morris Netherton, founder of Past Life Therapy, developed a therapeutic method and has shared his process with Thomas Paul, C.Ht, M.C.P.L.T., the last therapist Morris Netherton has fully trained and endorsed. The Netherton Method or the Netherton-Paul PLT Method uses the unconscious mind to find the root causes of emotional and physical problems. As your mind finds resolution to old traumas, you release energy held in place by negative patterns. You will begin to adopt new patterns that will enable you to discover and attract a healthier, happier, fulfilling life experience.
4.) What if I have fears about this type of therapy? ***Why do I need Past Life Therapy?*** What if I really don’t want to know what happened to me or what I did to another in a past life or this life?
It takes commitment and courage to partake in Past Life Therapy (PLT). The emotional pain of remembering what you did not want to know in a therapy session is much less painful or frightening than a lifetime of unconsciously recreating victimization. PLT makes fully conscious your victim and victimizer experiences. It allows you to reveal the details of unresolved traumas or emotionally charged events unconsciously affecting your present quality of life. Some don't want to know their past for it may cause temporary discomfort or emotional pain you may be avoiding or numbing with prescription/recreational drugs, various addictions, dysfunctional relationships, or other coping mechanisms. Remaining unconscious of unresolved past experiences (UPE) causes the mind to stay in confusion and resurfaces as present-day challenges. The unconscious mind then manifests the experiences necessary to continue the fear and confusion which can reinforce health and behavioral problems (see F.A.Q. #22).
Unresolved past experiences (UPE) are recreated at varying stages in your life as your current reality, regardless if you pursue Past Life Therapy. These UPE are unconsciously repeated until they are resolved and finished in a way your authentic self/soul/mind desires it should have happened or never happened. The mind longs to reframe or correct any detrimental outcomes containing the damaging dialogue recorded during shocking/unconscious events. These UPE continually direct you to attract or re-experience past traumas/events in a similar form until they are resolved. Past Life Therapy is for those who want to expedite the healing process rather than attract perpetual victimization.
Though you might have painful memories that surface during a PLT session, resolving these issues will encourage well-being and feeling better. Past Life Therapy can be very intense, emotional, and possibly upsetting or exhausting since your mind is directed to unresolved, traumatic incidents. However, an experienced therapist can guide you through these experiences safely and effectively until resolved. It is these key experiences, and its brainwashing dialogue, that unconsciously directs you to remain as victim and/or victimizer. PLT can enable you to end this cycle. You will have to decide if confronting sensitive parts of your past in a controlled, supportive environment is more frightening than the possibility of many lifetimes of victimization. Furthermore, if you have any anxieties about participating in Past Life Therapy this could be one of the strongest indications you need it. PLT will reveal the unconscious source of your fears and unresolved issues. Note: Fear and calmness can't co-exist in a session. Anxiety or discomfort is re-directed or isolated to the body in order to access the unresolved experience holding fear in place.
PLT is not a sugarcoated, overly analytical, therapist-centered process. It is a client-centered, emotional, experiential journey of finally confronting and resolving the most intimate, painful, and fearful areas of your past in order to move forward. For some individuals, fear or anxiety is part of the process. I often say to clients who report anxiety before or during a session: "That's okay, feel anxious or afraid—use that feeling to ground yourself in the experience or cellular/soul memory containing the source of your fears. You're not here to numb the past any longer with alcohol, drugs and various compulsions or addictions. You are here to feel whatever comes up in session. Where in your body do you feel the most fear if you had to isolate fear to an area of your body? Talk from those parts of your body as if it could speak; it has a story to tell; therefore, say the first words that come to mind."
For those who say, “I don’t want to know what I did in the past," I respond by informing them "I don't want to know" is often an unconscious command from a past trauma or an emotional event. It involves someone actually saying or exuding an energetic message of, “don’t you ever tell anyone,” or “this is not for you to know or tell/ it’s none of your business or anyone else’s.” However, it is your business and knowing is how you release and resolve the commands holding victim-victimizer scripts in place. It is these unconscious scripts which encourage present-life mental and physical side effects originating from UPE.
“As long as I don’t know…” means you can stay in confusion and avoid feeling the pain of knowing, even though you are presently experiencing the effects of these unresolved beliefs. Unpleasant and mentally taxing situations, ailments, surgeries, and 'accidents' can be attracted since they are unconsciously manifested and reinforced by victim-victimizer commands. Confusion regarding what was said and done at the time of a past-life/current-life trauma or emotionally charged event affects your state of mind and ability to overcome challenges. PLT clears/finishes this confusion. It resolves any survival-based beliefs and emotional aspects of the past reinforcing mental anguish, compulsive disorders, addictions/phobias, diseases, or physical problems.
For example, if confusion is not resolved, you may develop fears about continuing therapy believing it could create more problems. This is a real and common fear, but it's rooted in a past-life. The unresolved issues are already present. PLT readily allows the source of your hesitations about pursuing or completing therapy to fully surface for resolution. Your past-life begins to feel real prior to beginning therapy or during sessions, which is part of the process. For some clients, PLT may include developing temporary, physical symptoms related to what you are unconsciously preparing to discuss on the day of your session.
UPE that manifest present-life anxiety or major problems are going to resurface eventually. Past Life Therapy aims to resolve these suppressed or blocked memories before tragedy or other major issues manifest. Unresolved past experiences are often recreated as similar events until resolved. These manifestations attract the individuals (parents, mates, surgeons, co-workers, strangers, etc.) who match your unconscious, victim-victimizer scripts with their similar UPE and scripts; this is an unconscious attempt to repeat and resolve the past.
Fears about Past Life Therapy or emotional and physical reactions prior to, during, or after sessions are usually indicative of past experiences requiring further clarification and completion. For example, you may have a survival-based script of “If I feel this, or if I tell what I know, I won’t survive or the consequences/punishment will kill me”. This is a past-life command and though it feels true/real, it's based in the past and reinforces being a victim. PLT enables you to resolve victim-identity, though it may require some commitment to locating the series of related scenes holding these scripts in place including pre-natal/birth, surgeries, and other unconscious events. In addition, there are victimizer experiences of “I don’t want to know what I did” which are equally important to resolve as victim experiences.
For example, clients in the victim stage learn to identify as victim-identify for it's all they know. They may actually feel safer or comfortable in this role for it is familiar. To finally finding a therapy that works means clearing confusion, knowing the truth, healing, and creating a shift in identity and lifestyle, which can be a delicate transition. Some fear being of a healthy mind/body for it's an entirely new way of being and functioning in the world. As your fears resolve by accessing and confronting the source of them in session, the transition to a fear-free, healthy, and peaceful life will arise.
When you become conscious of unresolved issues from your past and take steps to resolve them, your current reality does not have to be unpleasant. If you get worse before you get better, than that is part of the process for you. Everyone processes and experiences PLT differently depending on their unique past, issues, medications/drugs they may be taking, and their commitment to the process. A highly skilled past-life therapist utilizing the Netherton-Paul PLT Method can guide you to resolution in a safe, professional and effective manner. You will ultimately learn that fear is from the past. Fear ceases to exist when any harmful, past-life programming/traumas are resolved and the truth about these incidents becomes conscious. You will feel and experience a positive shift in your body, energy, and consciousness, which is evident in how you live and respond to daily life.
By knowing and resolving, you can embrace a reality in alignment with feeling good, being fully aware, and in control of your destiny. The emotional pain of remembering what you did not want to know in a therapy session is much less painful than a lifetime of unconsciously recreating victimization. Giving yourself permission to feel whatever materializes during or after a session is part of the PLT process. PLT clients can progress at their own pace until they evolve into balanced, peaceful, benign observers. Note: The majority of PLTC clients can experience PLT while functioning in their workaday lives, though some may require rest after sessions if they schedule half or full-day intensives. PLT is a highly effective therapy option for those who are frustrated with traditional or conventional therapy methods and especially helpful for those who are experiencing continual periods of victimization/health issues.
5.) Will I remember what I said in sessions?
Yes. The Netherton-Paul PLT Method utilizing de-hypnosis allows the client to remain in an awake, but deeply, focused-state. Although the unconscious mind is utilized, you will never be unconscious or unaware of what you are saying or doing and fully capable of rejecting anything that is stated by the therapist in session. The objective of this type of therapy is for you to remember what you said and to become fully conscious of what you need to learn and complete.
6.) What are Unresolved Past Experiences (UPE)?
Unresolved Past Experiences (UPE) can include any emotionally charged, traumatic, or unconscious event that may mislead or alter a person's belief system creating a survival-based, unconscious logic that is detrimental to their present day well-being.
7.) What is the unconscious mind? What unconscious experiences from my past could be influencing my current situation?
The unconscious mind is an objective tape recorder or command center, which motivates and defines the way you live your life. PLT resolves negative or harmful recordings; it does not change or erase the tape/memory. It affects how you respond and behave once the unconscious dialogue and commands held in place become conscious. By releasing and reframing any unresolved experiences of the past containing confusing and damaging programming, you are free of its affects.
The unconscious indiscriminately records every event, word/action, or non-spoken action, which it then translates into commands 24-hours a day. Even a person’s silence has energy the mind interprets as instructions, which often reinforces unresolved victim/victimizer scripts. The unconscious mind is especially vulnerable during drug-induced unconscious states; i.e., surgeries, shock following an accident, traumas, drug overdoses, comas, etc. Furthermore, birth and prenatal traumas such as arguments between parents, mother’s internal thoughts at conception and throughout her pregnancy, or any attempted abortions, affects your current behaviors and quality of life.
These events allow unconscious dialogue from another person to record as your actual thoughts (interpreted as commands), which motivate and direct you every day. Many times similar or exact commands stem from several unresolved, past-life experiences reinforced during these unconscious, present-life events. These commands recorded in the unconscious mind constantly influence your state of mind, motivations, and overall health. In fact, specific recordings or dictations can even communicate to a specific body part to fail or shut down.
Your unconscious agreement with your mother and father, which allowed you to be born, also dictates how you will feel, process, and live your life even into adulthood. This unconscious agreement helped you choose the appropriate parents that match the victimization scripts and belief systems at the time of your past death. Your mother's unresolved fears and feelings at time of conception and birth structures and motivates your present and future. Even doctor’s, nurse’s or midwife’s comments at moment of delivery and shortly after it, and any birthing complications such as circumcision, incubator experiences (bonding child to box/isolation), etc.
You are controlled by your unconscious mind until you separate and release the dialogue that is not your own and does not reinforce your well-being. The most effective way to accomplish this is by utilizing Past Life Therapy to make the unconscious conscious, which opens up the unconscious mind for change. The mind’s recordings, which are sometimes misleading or confusing, are not erased; they are revealed and resolved. PLT aims to change the influence and affects unconscious programming has on every aspect of your life. Please see The Unconscious Mind; its role in The Netherton Method of Past Life Therapy which is an excerpt from the first published book of its kind titled Past Lives Therapy (William Morrow, New York, 1978) by Dr. Morris Netherton.
8.) Has everyone lived before and can past lives be scientifically proven?
In Thomas Paul's experience, and in Morris Netherton's 45 years of clinical experience, all clients have lived previous lifetimes. We have always been here in some form or another just as the planet has been here too. In addition, even though the population may increase, there is an infinitesimal amount of souls in a space between lives or transitional period before incarnating again. It is unlikely that the existence of past lives will be scientifically proven. However, the purpose of Past Life Therapy is not to prove the existence of past lives, but rather to help a client resolve their current issues by accessing unconscious memories regardless of where they are rooted. A belief in past lives or scientific proof that past lives exist is not essential for this therapeutic modality to be successful.
9.) Can I benefit from Past Life Therapy even if I'm not conscious of any ‘issues’ in my life?
People who release past issues on the unconscious level through their dreams and through daily living do not need therapy. Resolution, at the unconscious level, is reflected in the way someone lives his or her life. People who enter intensive therapy do so because without therapy they are unable to maintain a healthy process for consistent movement in their lives. They need the intervention therapy offers to enable them to reach resolution and life changes. However, anyone can benefit from Past Life Therapy—it encourages spiritual growth and expansion of consciousness, which can enhance every aspect of your life. Most people can at least benefit from clearing their birth experience, present-day surgeries and fears. These are known areas of trauma in today’s experience that can be resolved with Past Life Therapy. See F.A.Q. #16 (birth) and F.A.Q. # 17 (surgeries).
10.) What results do most clients report experiencing during or after the process of Past Life Therapy? Are there any major side effects/risks in partaking in PLT? Will I feel any emotional or physical discomfort during or immediately after a PLT session?
PLTC clients often mention they find Past Life Therapy enlightening, challenging or tiring at times, humorous, emotional, and life changing. Those who commit to the process consistently say they feel good—centered, more creative, and complete. PLTC clients report increased energy and focus without external influences. The presence of victimization in life is gone—life is no longer a burden. Those who finish the process start doing things with people they love because they want to and stop doing things with people they used to fear because they thought they had to prior to therapy. PLTC clients begin living a healthy, balanced lifestyle in alignment with a greatly improved personal and professional life.
Most clients report they can easily function in their workaday life while partaking in the process. Some individuals, in particular those who opt for the intensive daily sessions, report needing immediate rest after a long day of multiple sessions and plan the process accordingly as a retreat or rehab process requiring down time from major responsibilities. Intensives are 3.5 hours for individuals seeking expedited results, or for those with advanced issues/ailments, or if traveling from out-of-state. In those cases, some clients choose to reserve a local spa or full-service hotel during the process.
PLT is very safe and effective. At most, a session may cause a client to feel confused about an experience (full resolution not achieved during a particular issue/scene). This is simply an indication that an issue/scene in question needs further addressing to resolve the confusion; it’s re-worked until it’s cleared, if time allows, or at the following scheduled session. Everything you feel or don’t feel is normal and helps direct future sessions. Any temporary discomfort, confusion, mood changes/anxieties, prior to, during, or after a PLT session is beneficial—it’s your mind/body communicating that there is more inner work to finish.
Many sessions begin with the past life therapist asking you to focus on the first part of your body that comes to mind, if you had to choose or isolate your symptoms/feelings to a body part. You then communicate the first words that come to mind from the body area in question as if that body part could speak. For example, speaking from your legs, “I can’t feel anything” (paralyzed from waist down in a past-life preventing you from feeling/connecting with others in this life); or from chest, “I feel pressure” (e.g. past-life sword to the chest or beam from earthquake on chest crushed you to death contributing to present-life heart disease/problems). This unconsciously motivated dialogue is repeated until another phrase or word comes to mind, which often opens one or several experiences related to each other that need resolution. Every client tends to experience or processes past events differently during session. However, most PLTC clients report they can hear dialogue, see images, feel pressure and emotions, even taste or smell. Some can even speak foreign languages or talk of time-periods and historic facts they knew nothing about prior to therapy.
The Netherton-Paul PLT Method accesses cellular memory and allows for traumas, accidents, surgeries, emotional events or prenatal/birth experiences to surface for healing. Whatever you feel throughout the process of PLT is a ‘gift’—it’s source material a highly trained past life therapist can utilize in order to ground your present feelings and concerns to its past-life roots. For example, if you were to have an appendix operation in a past-life or present-life, you would feel exhausted after the surgery due to the medication and healing time needed for recovery. Although we are obviously not performing surgery in PLT, cellular memory is being accessed that may recreate subtle to moderate emotional/physical affects that are resurfacing for resolution. As a result, the PLT process can sometimes feel like a mental workout, and other times it can feel quite invigorating. Please keep in mind that PLT doesn't create new problems. It simply allows pre-existing, unresolved experiences to surface with their corresponding effects, which are likely already producing havoc in your quality of life.
Instead of further covering up symptoms with medication, forced positive thinking, or conscious manipulation, you allow yourself to feel what you have been unconsciously and consciously trying to avoid or confront (i.e., developing coping mechanism that attempt to mask the effects of unresolved issues through various addictions, obsessions, self-medications, etc.) Any pain, discomfort, anxiety, feeling or lack of feeling (numbness), is helpful in Past Life Therapy. Symptoms are a clue at the cellular/soul level that there remains unresolved, past experiences. It is these past incidents and their brainwashing dialogue recorded at the time of shock or unconsciousness that contributes to confusion and present day challenges. By resolving the source of the symptoms, you can release the unresolved issues and resolve the unconscious need to manifest another lifetime of similar circumstances.
Everything you experience in therapy is part of the process. If you feel bad, then PLT uncovers what was already there. You are simply allowing yourself to experience your emotions fully rather than continuing to cover them. Any fears, insecurities, dreams, or ‘coincidences’ throughout the process may foreshadow or directly connect to an unresolved scene that validates your thoughts and emotions. PLT is an experiential process where you are directly involved in your own healing. Past Life Therapy, or any type of past life regression or hypnotherapy, requires a willingness to participate. The therapy process is a journey that may seem imaginative at times, however, the truth will surface especially when giving your body a voice. As a result, any debilitating aspects of your past will surface for emotional, physical, and spiritual resolution.
Past Life Therapy resolves the key experiences that will complete the unresolved events. Once this occurs, habitual coping mechanisms or addictions are resolved at the root and surrounding issues cease to exist. Most sessions involve a particular issue/scene resolved in the time allotted for each session. However, not always, especially prenatal/birth experiences, since there may be a series of unconscious events related to an underlying issue. PLT can short cut the process of resolution many traditional and alternative therapies attempt to achieve; however, a degree of commitment and a willingness to allow any fears, anxieties, or confusion to surface during or after sessions is necessary for best results. In addition, PLT is not a one-session miracle; it’s a process. Past Life Therapy can be challenging work for clients involving courage and discomfort at times yet it can yield astounding results and life-changing rewards.
11.) Do I need to believe in reincarnation for Past Life Therapy to be effective?
No. The mind functions beyond current beliefs to cause change. A belief in karma, spirituality, or past lives is not necessary for PLT effectiveness.
12.) What if my memories are 'false memories'?
The most widely expressed criticism among skeptics of this type of therapy is whether the past life experiences really occurred or not. Theoretically, it doesn't matter. If the story someone creates in their mind causes a greater understanding of one's self or behaviors, and incites resolution, then that is what really matters. However, the cellular/soul memory that is accessed using the Netherton-Paul Method of Past Life Therapy is a modality that readily brings forth past-life memories with the body movement, feeling, dialogue, etc. of a highly detailed scene or time period clients report knowing nothing about prior to therapy. Their past life revelations always have a theme that directly mirrors issues from this lifetime. The resolution obtained during a 'reframing' of a past-life scene using the Netherton-Paul PLT Method creates a positive shift in how one feels, processes, and functions.
In addition, the experiences of one's past are unique to each client and not what is sometimes called 'collective unconsciousness.' We each have our own 'story' that needs to unfold and become conscious. If there are unresolved issues causing someone to unconsciously attract similar patterns or experiences of victimization, achieving resolution is what matters; trying to prove if every detail of a memory recalled is entirely true isn't the goal of Past Life Therapy. PLT is a subjective process, not an objective process of trying to prove the existence of past lives and the validity of past-life memories. We would not question the validity of our dreams, which cannot be proven and are subject to our individual interpretation, therefore, why would we treat our past life memories revealed in session differently? It is the achievement of change in one's life that is important, not the authenticity of the scenes being played out.
What some refer to as 'false memories' are usually pre-natal memories or other unconscious memories indiscriminately recorded as your own. The goal of PLT is to separate and clarify unconscious dialogue, commands, and emotions associated with an unconscious memory which is creating confusion. Some therapists classify memories as 'false memories' since their training does not include the tools necessary to help a client process and gain resolution using their traditional methods.
All past-life memories are unconscious events, including pre-natal/birth experiences, traumas/shock, and drug-induced unconscious states during surgeries. Any dialogue recorded during these events many therapists mistakenly label as 'false memories' are often valid memories/experiences that were recorded and are an integral part of the process of healing; they are significant events that need to be recalled and reframed. If a particular PLT scene is fully processed utilizing the Netherton-Paul PLT Method, the truth will surface.
13.) How does Past Life Therapy differ from past life regression, past-life psychic readings, and between lives therapy?
Past life regression is a guided visualization that usually has the client maintain an observer point of view which doesn't ground the client in the experience. Past life readings are conducted by another person who may or may not access a past-life. The ‘reader’ usually says what the client wants to hear and is providing entertainment. Traditional regressions or readings are seldom therapeutic or life changing. Between lives therapy or space between lives is consulting with spirit guides and masters that likely do not exist.
These types of therapies prevent the client from assuming responsibility and taking control of his or her healing and tends to be more therapist-centered vs. client-centered; it is an attempt to mystify the profession. Productive healing occurs when a client is consistently encouraged to stay grounded in the body during a past-life experience while primarily speaking in the first person. This is more effective than ‘floating’ above a scene in an observer role, which promotes speaking only in the third person without fully knowing and feeling what needs to be resolved. Past Life Therapy is a down-to-earth, client-centered, clinically based process with the client revealing the details of their past lives. Rather than just reporting a past life story, the Netherton-Paul Method of Past Life Therapy aims to create a permanent shift in consciousness which can enable a person to resolve mind-body and personal/career challenges.
14.) How does Past Life Therapy differ from other alternative healing methods such as meditation, yoga, spiritual retreats, self-help books, tapes, etc.?
Past Life Therapy invokes and awakens healing at all levels stemming from past-life sources, prenatal/birth and present-life experiences. It helps resolve issues that you may be masking or numbing through a variety of conventional or alternative methods that try to meditatively silence the mind. If the mind isn't "quiet" (resolved of negativity, anxiety, etc.), there is a survival-based reason for this condition. PLT doesn't implement techniques to block internal voices; it encourages the voices to be heard. PLT addresses the unresolved, unconscious dialogue contributing to mind-body challenges. Past Life Therapy is very client-centered compared to most therapies, which are group or therapist-centered and don't provide resolution to any debililtative, unconscious commands.
Self-help books are for educational purposes to motivate you to take the next step to heal, though most authors/therapists will lead you to believe that books, tapes, or retreats alone will resolve problems. If affirmations and meditation don't achieve desired results, it is because conscious manipulation (traditional hypnosis or '"talk-therapy") rarely works long-term. The unconscious messages always override the conscious ones until the debilitating aspects of the unconscious are resolved.
After working with the unconscious mind and resolving what is keeping you from regularly feeling inner-calm (via de-hypnosis), any yoga or meditation exercises you choose to practice will be enhanced. But you won't have to try so hard to calm your mind; rather it can be filled with nourishing, productive thoughts that don't weigh you down with limiting voices from the past. Past Life Therapy on its own or in conjunction with other types of complementary activities can encourage sustainable results.
15.) When does the reincarnation cycle end?
We have always existed and always will exist; therefore, reincarnation cycles may never end. If it does, this is nothing to theorize about or over-analyze. We likely have no control over the space between lives nor can we consciously end the process of reincarnation. We do have some control over what type of life we can attract and create for ourselves and future lifetimes based on what is resolved in this lifetime. We can become conscious of our past and change programming and belief systems that no longer serve our well-being. We can choose to evolve and if we return, it can be as a more highly evolved, centered, happier soul.
16.) Why is it important to re-experience my birth and unconscious experiences during prenatal development?
Negative survival patterns and traumatic past-life death experiences are encoded in prenatal development and become part of the unconscious mind at birth. Re-experiencing your prenatal and birth experience allows you to discover your life script and disconnect old patterns binding you to negative core issues. A Past Life Therapy session will reveal your unconscious agreement between you and your mother/father. This agreement served each other's unconscious needs at the time and allowed you to be born. However, details of the unconscious agreement could be keeping you from moving forward in your life and prospering; therefore, it would need to be released/changed in therapy. In addition, your mother's experiences during the prenatal development are recorded unconsciously and could be affecting you today. Note: C-Section and breach births are particularly important to re-work since they involve others having to correct or finish things for you, which can result in a variety of personal and career obstacles, and a client proving to the therapist that "therapy doesn't work" and "I can't finish this." Hence, this belief is resolved within first few sessions for any client having been born C-section, breach, or for those who have had abortions.
17.) Why are surgeries from this lifetime very important to re-experience and resolve in session?
Please review the following PLTC Newsletter: "What you unconsciously recorded during surgery could be affecting your well being."/PLTC Newsletter 3-Surgery
18.) What is meant by resolution or resolving the past, and how is this achieved in therapy sessions? What is reframing?
Reframing is a technique used to create a shift in a client's conscious awareness and changes any false logic instilled during an unconscious event or trauma regardless of its origin. It can create an outcome that, unlike 'erasing a memory,' allows a person to manifest and then communicate an appropriate response (sometimes as role-play) to a past scene. This provides emotional closure and clarification (resolution); a technique in which a client can re-experience an emotionally charged event and alter the dialogue to complete and regain control over experiences. Basically, it's saying or doing what you could not say or do at the time even if it just takes place in the mind. It can create an energetic shift releasing karmic energy and emotional/physical pain held in place by unresolved issues at its core. Reframing is the final step in the resolution process of a particular event worked in session. This occurs in a therapeutic setting, which prevents a client from re-creating similar unconscious circumstances as an attempt to achieve this closure.
19.) How many Past Life Therapy Center sessions are necessary to achieve results?
The time it takes to achieve results from Past Life Therapy depends on one’s unique circumstances and the degree of confusion or trauma that was unconsciously recorded when the mind-body was vulnerable to distortions, such as during prenatal/birth, surgeries (including abortions, circumcisions, tonsillectomies, plastic surgeries, etc.), moments of shock, and from unresolved past lives.
Past Life Therapy Center® provides a clinical process similar to psychotherapy. However, our Past Life Therapy process is not psychotherapy, psychiatry, or traditional hypnotherapy. PLT is a healing art that utilizes a focused state of de-hypnosis and has a de-hypnotizing effect, rather than a hypnotizing one. In many ways a person is already conditioned, or hypnotized, by their past lives, prenatal experiences, etc. PLTC encourages “resolution of hypnosis” from altered and unconscious states of consciousness while giving the mind freedom to examine and resolve events that may be debilitating to one’s wellness or life objectives. In contrast, hypnotherapists can falsely presume that hypnosis, or suggestive therapy, will permanently resolve unconscious events. Many hypnotherapy experts and even some past life regression professionals rarely allow unresolved experiences to surface fully, or they aim to suggestively mask memories when the unconscious mind contains keys, or truths, essential for thoroughly resolving confusion at its source.
The Past Life Therapy Center® De-Hypnosis Method, compared to conventional therapies, will greatly reduce the number of sessions required for lasting change. PLTC methods allow complete access to the root of issues originating from previous lifetimes while integrating these past memories with present-day problems. The number of sessions needed can be likened unto a string of beads or links in a necklace, each varying in size and shape. For some people, there are only a few beads to be touched on (e.g. confusing issues, traumas, etc.), and for others there may be numerous beads that need attention. However, these metaphorical beads (unresolved past experiences) usually reveal patterns that can be simultaneously resolved at their source rather than having to re-experience every single damaging event. Most clients only need to work the fundamental experiences holding them back and any similar Unresolved Past Experiences (UPE) will align and automatically resolve similar patterns.
The number of sessions necessary to reach full resolution varies by client and their short- or long-term goals. Although Past Life Therapy can provide an efficient, thorough resolution, it is a clinically based process and it requires a degree of commitment. Typically, Past Life Therapy Center clients visit weekly or bi-weekly for any number of months until their issues are resolved. Extended sessions or 3.5 hour long intensives are another option for expedited results. Book online now.
20.) What is karma? How can Past Life Therapy utilizing de-hypnosis resolve karma?
The word karma means actions and energy. It is the law of attraction. Energy can be re-directed or transferred, but not created or destroyed. Hence, your karmic, unconscious energy can shift to repel harmful, unpleasant energy or transform and consistently attract healthy, balanced energy. Karma mirrors a person’s current state of mind. A person’s karmic energy attracts similar energy or situations. Karma is neither good nor bad. It 'just is’ or ‘what presents itself.’ It is what your unconscious mind is dictating you need to experience.
Think of yourself as a magnet or energy field resonating at a certain frequency attracting individuals and situations with a similar frequency; the way you respond to the energies of others will give you more of the same. Hence, you can manipulate karma by a shift in your energetic frequency, awareness and unconscious thoughts. Past Life Therapy, pioneered by Dr. Morris Netherton, can adjust your energetic frequency and enable you to resolve past-life karma in a clinical setting versus unconsciously attracting undesirable karma in today’s living. Unwanted karma will eventually transfer to someone else's energy or unconscious scripts matching their need to experience survival-based victimization, which often manifests addictions, chronic illnesses, accidents, emotional crises, etc.
At time of death, any unconscious issues left unresolved will carry forward to future lifetimes at birth and throughout adulthood as unresolved karma. This occurs through a process of cellular/soul memory that includes unconsciously choosing the parents and surroundings necessary to mirror any past-life scripts of victimization. It is you, at a soul level, attempting to complete and achieve a greater understanding of the unfinished business of your past.
The past-life belief system you hold is like a spiritually motivated genetic map drawing the incidents necessary to re-experience karma as victim, victimizer, or benign observer. Benign observers have relinquished their victimization karma and will likely reincarnate as evolving individuals or theoretically break the reincarnation cycle—intervention that allows for creating consciousness, releasing negative energy at the root, and re-directing karma can help. Past Life Therapy, a healing arts therapy, can expedite this evolutionary process as perpetual victimization ceases to exist when the past-life source of many current day challenges is revealed and resolved.
Although you have unconscious elements that often parallel your parents, karma is not genetic. Your genes do not inevitably define your future (see Molecules of Emotions by Dr. Candace Pert, Scribner Publishing, 1997). Genes are your present-day motivations for your thoughts, which are held in place by past-life programming. These thoughts are reinforced at birth with false beliefs and commands. Whether these false beliefs were recorded during the shock of a trauma, prenatal/birth experience, or drug-induced unconsciousness of surgery, they are encoded in your mind, control your behaviors, and express your karma.
The greatest misinterpretation of karma is the golden rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” or it’s sometimes referred to as a credit system of accumulating good or bad karma based on your good or bad intentions. Karma cannot be changed by doing something or not doing something. Karma ‘just is’ and it’s attracted into your life as varying forms of energy or experiences based on your unconscious, survival-based motivations.
Karma can be likened to a person who died in an explosion prior to the last note of an orchestra’s composition. We reincarnate to hear and complete the final note of this past-life symphony in a manner we would have preferred hearing and experiencing it—with harmony and peace. However, often times we unconsciously re-create a similar tragedy in the next lifetime for closure. Past Life Therapy resolves the trauma, finishes the experience a person may be unconsciously searching to complete, and then reforms one’s karma or energy—less the unconscious need for tragedy and misery.
21.) What is “The Secret” and what if I’m not manifesting what this popular film claims I can manifest? How do I 'feel good' as the film states I must feel in order to manifest 'feel good' possessions and experiences? If I’m not actualizing what I desire, is it because of past-life karma?
“The Secret,” in my opinion, is finally knowing and resolving the unconscious programming and brainwashing from many past lifetimes reinforced in the present, which is keeping you from encouraging a healthy, improved life experience. Ultra positive thinking, forced visualization, prayer, and trying to trick your unconscious mind through conscious manipulation by traditional hypnosis or conventional therapy rarely works—the objective content of the unconscious mind will always win for it overrides the conscious.
The Secret states when you feel good the universe responds by giving you more experiences and things that feel good. This positive-thinking based film doesn’t address that some individuals need clinically based therapy or intervention. You can’t pretend to feel good by relying on positive thinking, motivational speakers, mantras, self-help books, or up-lifting films. They will not provide the consistent results of feeling good because a guru or program becomes the new addiction or way of escaping reality. Meanwhile, bills keep piling up or you may have plenty of wealth and relationships but no real satisfaction and inner peace.
Agreeably, what you focus upon expands and optimism/gratitude is productive and healing. However, feeling good and expanding consciousness is an internal job, both an art and a science, created by releasing negative emotions deeply rooted in the body/mind. Only then, can internally-supported feeling good occur and any external materializations as a result become ‘icing on the cake’ rather than ‘whip-cream over bullshit’. It’s refreshing for spiritually motivated, thought-provoking documentaries to become popular; however, there is no quick fix, genie or magic pill that is going to make everything all right.
It is possible to feel good, achieve inner peace, and embody what you want to accomplish in this lifetime. For long-term results, de-hypnosis (accessing unconscious, source material in a focused state without the use of suggestions), Past Life Therapy, and resolving your unconscious scripts of “I’m not worthy” or “everything happens to me” at its source can allow the shift necessary for manifesting positive effects consistently.
At that point, your unconscious and conscious scripts or demands can align for greater likelihood of actualizing what you desire. In fact, what you desire may change once you complete the process of Past Life Therapy, for you may find what really matters to you evolves. Furthermore, you will manifest what can truly improve your life experience rather than consciously attempting to feel good when your survival-based, unconscious scripts dictate 'feel bad to feel alive.'
Healing by fully knowing yourself is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others; resolving karma and focusing within is simply part of the process. The real secret is making the unconscious conscious and resolving the sources of why you don't feel good. Resolve the source, deal with your inner most secrets, and then witness how powerful your unconscious and conscious thoughts can become as they match and reinforce a feel good shift in your awareness.
22.) What are some of the ailments or challenges PLTC clients address on an emotional level when partaking in Past Life Therapy?
Note: Past Life Therapy processes the emotional aspects of various health-related challenges. In compliance with state and federal laws, Past Life Therapy Center does not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure diseases. Information addressed at PastLifeTherapyCenter.com and PastLifeRegression.com are not endorsed by the FDA or any psychological or medical licensing body. Past Life Therapy is currently considered 'alternative therapy' and cannot accept insurance payments for therapy services.
Partial list below and not in any particular order; Past Life Therapy enables clients to examine unresolved, emotional issues reinforcing health or behavioral challenges. A focused state of de-hypnosis is utilized, which allows the confusing elements of the unconscious mind (also known as subconscious mind) to become conscious for resolution.
Anger, Anxiety "Management" (release the source) - Stress - Pregnancy Blocks - Soul Regression - Self Confidence -Grief and Loss - Feeling Stuck - Fears & Phobias - Smoking Cessation - Eating Disorders - Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD) - Infertility -Miscarriages - TMJ - Learning Disabilities - Rebirthing - Spiritual Healing - Rape Counseling- Internet & Gaming Addiction -Nightmares - Surgical Hypnosis - Acid Reflux - Cystic Fibrosis - Emphysema - Diabetes - Arthritis - Heart Disease - Vocal-Voice-Throat and Hearing-Ear Issues - Past Life Hypnosis - Fibroids - Financial Issues - Narcissism - Plastic Surgery Addiction - Allergies
Weight Issues - Chronic Ailments - Headaches - Body Aches - Prescription Drug Abuse - Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) - Chronic Fatigue - Inner Peace -Sexual Problems & Abuse - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Law of Attraction - Life Coach - Hypnotherapist- Gay & Lesbian Counseling - Spiritual Counselor & Advisor - Suicidal Thoughts - Skin Problems - COPD - Bronchitis -Lupus - AIDS / HIV - Circulation Issues - Psychic Past Life Readings - Couples Counseling - Blood Clots - Stroke - Spiritual Healer - Actor Therapy - OCD - Past Life Dreams - Regressionist - Quit Smoking - Lose Weight - Diet - Obesity - Reincarnation, Soul TherapySleep Disorders - Depression - Marriage & Family Counseling -Career & Relationship Blocks - Endometriosis -- Ovarian Cysts, Polyps - STDs - Mood Swings - Menopause - Breast Cancer - Asthma - COPD - Lung & Breathing Problems - Chronic Ailments - Pain & Anxiety "Management" (release the source) - Smoking & Drug Addictions - Sexual Problems & Abuse - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Alzheimer's Disease - Insomnia - Claustrophobia - Anorexia - Bulimia - Dyslexia - Body Dysmorphic Disorder - Chronic Infections - Trauma Counseling -Schizophrenia - Grief, Death Counseling - Food Addiction - Rebirthing - Multiple Personality Disorder Drug, Alcohol & Smoking Addictions - Back, Neck Pain - Cancer - Public Speaking Fears - Impotency - Vaginal Pain - Menstrual Cramps - Hemorrhoids - Self Esteem - Erectile Dysfunction - Gambling - Sex Addiction - Panic Attacks - Depression - Tumors - Seizures - Fear of Death - Digestive Disorders - Feeling Trapped - Fear of Airplanes, Heights, etc. - Restless Legs - Insomnia - Asthma - Workaholic - Lung & Breathing Problems - Drug Addiction - Karma - Hoarding - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -Abdominal Bloating - IBS - Manic Depressive, Bipolar - Relationship Problems - Past Life Medium - Dissociative Identity (DID)
How many PLTC sessions are necessary to achieve results?
Sadness/ Despair / Mood Disorders
Self Esteem
Eating Disorders/ Weight Issues—Anorexia, Bulimia, overeating, etc.
Drug Abuse/Addictions—-alcohol, smoking, OTC, prescription, recreational
Compulsive Disorders
Suicidal thoughts
Re-birthing; Prenatal—reframing unconscious scripts and any prenatal traumas
Sleep Disorders
Body Dismorphic Disorder/ Body Image
Learning Disabilities
Focusing/ Attention Deficit Issues/ ADD
Anxieties/ Stress/ Panic Attacks
Fears/ Phobias—including fear of death/ aging
Sexual Problems—inability to orgasm; impotence; premature ejaculation; sex addiction
Sexual Identity
Sexual Abuse—rape, molestation
Post Traumatic Stress/ PTSD
Arthritis—unexpressed anger turned inward
Surgeries—resolving dialogue unconsciously recorded during operations
Interpersonal—people skills; developing healthy boundaries
Expanding Consciousness
Trauma—resolving unconscious commands recorded during a trauma
Anger "Management"—releasing the unconscious source vs. anger management
Public Speaking
Autoimmune disorders-HIV,AIDS, Lupus, etc.
Misc. Chronic Health Issues
Relaxation/Breathing Skills
Feeling stuck in one's career or personal life
Couple Counseling/ Relationship Issues
Closure—addressing difficulty of ending a relationship or death of a loved one
Skin Problems
Vision or Hearing Issues
Breathing Problems—Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Emphysema, etc.
Thyroid Issues
Memory Loss/ Alzheimer's symptoms
Seizures/ Epilepsy/ Fainting
Circulation Issues/ Blood Clots/ Stroke
Restless Leg Syndrome
Blood Sugar Issues
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Infections
Chronic Vaginal Pain
Semen Allergies
Phobias—Claustrophobia, Agoraphobia, Acrophobia, etc.
Life Coaching
Gambling Addictions
Internet/Gaming/Computer Device Addictions
Surgical-Emotional Preparation
Tourette's Syndrome
M.S./Multiple Sclerosis
Digestive Issues
Physical Pain—back, neck, vaginal, etc.
Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
Marriage and Family Issues
Menopausal Effects
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)/Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Hysterectomy Related Issues
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cramps)
Menorrhagia (very heavy flow)
Polyps/Ovarian Cysts
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Painful or Long-Term Bleeding/Periods/Menstruation
Painful Intercourse/Sexual Pain
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, etc.
Crohn's Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's Disease
Inspiration; brainstorming for ideas—work and personal
Motivation; finding one's purpose/passion
Developing and expanding one's intuition
Becoming more present—"living in the now"
Improving acting skills for theatre/film
To become a more 'feeling' individual who can express emotions freely
Dream Analysis—reoccurring dreams, nightmares
Changing unwanted patterns and negative thoughts
Seeking answers within to life's most complex questions
Curiosity—interest in learning how one came to be/ how one lived in previous lifetimes
Spiritual Growth/Advancement
Inner Peace