PLT Process/History

"We do not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious." Carl Jung, as quoted in Dr. Roger J. Woolger's Other Lives, Other Selves
The unconscious mind (subsconscious mind) is like a voice and video recorder that has been recording everything one has heard and experienced every second of one's life, and past-lives, even when asleep, unaware, or unconscious. One is never truly unconscious since messages and their corresponding energy/commands are still being absorbed whether one is consciously aware of it or not. These unconscious recordings or memories affect one's self esteem, motivations, career choices, life choices, and the way one processes conflicts or challenges.
We have one mind but two parts: the conscious and unconscious. Our conscious mind consists of what is available to our discerning, thinking process. It is the analytical, rational, logical part of the mind. The unconscious is not logical or discriminatory, and it contains our emotions, habits, automatic responses, feelings, instincts, impressions and much of our memory.
There are many ways to define memory and how it is retained. Most clinical hypnotherapists, however, believe forgetting or suppressing a traumatic or emotionally charged memory does not mean it is gone; rather the specific incident is not consciously available. Memory can be compared to the hard drive of a computer. Hypnosis, or a self-guided, "focused-state" of dehypnosis, accesses the important files that are stored on one's computer (i.e. mind). Hypnotherapy, especially when performed by a clinical hypnotherapist specializing in The Netherton-Paul Method, can reveal the most important files, or memories, that need to be brought to the forefront and reprocessed in a healing way. If these particular memories and traumas associated with them are resolved, then many addictions, compulsive behaviors, physical problems, insecurities, phobias, obstacles, etc, cease to exist. Furthermore, by thoroughly resolving the past, one can achieve what is often referred to as 'inner peace.'
"How do you get world peace? You get world peace through inner peace. If you have a world full of people who have inner peace, then you have a peaceful world." Dr.Wayne Dyer
The Netherton-Paul Method/Past Life Therapy Center® De-Hypnosis Method
Past Life Therapy (PLT) utilizing dehypnosis is a regression method in which a client allows unconsciously repressed and suppressed traumas holding confusion in place to surface for resolution. It is a deep, intimate conversation in which a client reworks emotionally charged past experiences affecting their behaviors, perceived obstacles, and life choices on an unconscious level. Unproductive and unhealthy patterns from this life and/or past-lives are revealed, expressed, and changed to support a client's well-being. Any false messages one learned to believe about themselves or others during a traumatic, past incident are debunked and reframed in order to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. This process helps a person reach the next level in their personal growth, career development, and overall quality of life.
The most effective form of Past Life Therapy was developed by Dr. Morris Netherton, who retired from his full-time Southern California, Brazil, and German practices. He is the most renowned past life therapist of Alternative Treatment Modalities and his book Past Lives Therapy (William Morrow, New York, 1978) was the first in the field of past life regression therapy. His theories are taught in many university courses in the U.S., Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil, Canada, and India.
The Netherton-Paul/PLTC De-Hypnosis Method utilizing hypnotherapy techniques is a form of de-hypnotizing. A past life therapist utilizing The Netherton-Paul PLT Method will not "hypnotize" a client to change negative habits, but rather access the unconscious mind to reveal the source material of unwanted patterns, unhealthy behaviors or obstacles in one's life. Any conditioning or programming at the time of a traumatic event is addressed and reframed. Painful memories are not "erased," rather they are resolved and completed. PLT aims to end unresolved past-life experiences of victimization recreated unconsciously in this lifetime.
Past Life Therapy doesn't use suggestive or short-term, hypnotic techniques to make a client quit bad habits (e.g. stop smoking, refrain from excessive drinking, etc.), rather it resolves issues at its source using dehypnosis for long-term results. The Netherton-Paul Method can create a "lifting" effect causing one to feel lighter, calmer and more centered after each session. Past Life Therapy Center clients report decreased drug dependency, or elimination of pharmaceutical and/or recreational drugs. Their mind integrates the past and aligns in order to create balance and a naturally-supported feeling of wellness. Eventually, drugs or activities one engages in as a substitute to feel alive or dead (numbing/escaping), have a counter effect to the natural "high" or balanced feeling developed by resolving one's past in a clinical process.
Many psychiatrists prescribe medications for an array of "disorders" that are highly addictive and have side effects that cause other problems. Prescribed medications and recreational drugs may provide temporary relief or serve as a bandage; however, they can result in decreased brain functions and dependence that worsens with long-term usage (this opinion is not intended as medical advice. See Toxic Psychiatry by Peter Breggin or Prozac Backlash by Joseph Glenmullen). If a person wants to feel better and heal themselves, they need to confront the source issues that are preventing them from achieving this reality. A person can manifest and achieve virtually anything they desire once the "I'm not worthy" script is removed from their consciousness and one focuses on what they really want in this lifetime without the influence of survival-based scripts (see Unconscious Scripts).
A properly trained hypnotherapist utilizing The Netherton-Paul Method can help you overcome virtually any challenge. It can also assist with compulsive behaviors, various addictions, phobias, weight issues, mood disorders, anxieties, sexual issues, relationship problems and feelings of discontent and unhappiness. PLT utilizing dehypnosis can benefit anyone who wants to improve the quality of their life. It is a process of self-discovery; a journey into the evolution of one's soul, unique history, and any unresolved past experiences preventing one from manifesting an improved quality of life.
Past Life Therapy resolves emotionally charged experiences from this life and past-lives, breaks negative patterns and allows a person to have a greater understanding of themselves and others. PLTC clients report existing business and personal relationships improve profoundly or end, if necessary; And newfound, enlightening people and opportunities surface to reinforce and align with one's shift in awareness. PLT will create a positive change in one's energy, aura, attitude, and boundaries that will unconsciously and consciously let people know you expect to be treated respectfully at all times. With continued therapy, a client will awaken and tap into their divine right of internally-supported worthiness, which contributes to wellness. Past Life Therapy can expedite the process it takes to manifest this awareness. Why go through another lifetime with an unconscious pattern/program that attracts victimization and unworthiness?
The Past Life Therapy (PLT) Process
Neither a belief in hypnotic regression techniques nor a belief in past-lives is necessary for The Netherton-Paul Method of Past Life Therapy utilizing dehypnosis to be effective. There isn't a formal induction process that some traditional hypnotherapists implement. PLT involves being in a relaxed, focused state while remaining aware of what one is saying and doing.
The PLT process is similar to a dream-like state in which one describes experiences by thinking out loud and giving emotions to their words or words to their emotions. It is a process of re-experiencing ones past, reframing unproductive or unhealthy logic or patterns, and then becoming conscious of how one's life can improve based on one's new awareness. Past Life Therapy reframes, or changes, any false, survival-based logic from previous lifetimes.
PLT is extremely empowering, especially when it is client-centered versus therapist-centered (traditional psychotherapy). The unconscious mind lets us know at each session what issues need to be brought to the surface and dealt with accordingly. Any hypnotherapist or past life therapist that attempts to make someone believe something they do not, or has a client repeat dialogue that is not primarily a repetition of their own words, is performing their job incorrectly or unprofessionally. Most sessions involve the client doing most of the talking. A Netherton-Paul trained clinical hypnotherapist/past life therapist simply guides the session.
After each session, the therapist will remind the client of the most important details from the session, however, the session will not be over-analyzed since the unconscious mind will process on its own based on what was worked in session. The client may feel what is best described as a weight lifted from them or closure and a greater understanding of themselves and others.
- How many PLT sessions are necessary?
Therapy sessions can be likened to beads on a necklace. For some people there are only a few beads (e.g. confusing incidents/emotionally charged events/traumas etc.) on one's necklace that needs to be dealt with, while for others, there may be numerous issues to address. Sometimes a client only has to work the key/root experiences as they surface and any similar Unresolved Past Experiences (UPE) will also resolve since they are associated with the same experience or pattern.
The number of sessions necessary to reach full resolution varies by client and their short or long term goals they want to achieve. Although Past Life Therapy provides an efficient, thorough process since it accesses the past-life root of current issues, it is a clinical process and it requires a degree of commitment. PLT sessions can be structured weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as half/full-day intensives.
- Why is it important to re-experience and resolve Unresolved Past Experiences (UPE)?
Unresolved Past Experiences (UPE) can include any emotionally charged, traumatic, or unconscious event that may have misled or altered a person's belief system. This survival-based, unconscious or false logic rooted and programmed during a past-life trauma can be detrimental to encouraging present day well-being. UPE is often reinforced with similar current-life experiences attracted unconsciously until resolved.
For example, traumas from previous lifetimes often result in shock and confusion that carry over to one's current and future lifetimes via cellular/soul memory. Any mental blocks or false logic unconsciously recorded at the time of an unconscious event can be released and resolved in therapy. On an unconscious level, a person often attracts similar circumstances from their past-life in order to restimulate the trauma and shock. This is in order to resolve or complete the experience. For example, an altercation can escalate to life-threatening when it triggers an unresolved, survival-based experience from a past-life battlefield, or frequent car accidents reactivate feelings of shock, or a fall/incident recreates injuries similar to one's experienced in a past-life trauma.
With Past Life Therapy, one can finish unresolved experiences. The destructive, unconscious programming from one's past can be "deprogrammed or released," not forgotten or erased. It's a matter of resolving a crucial experience that has been hindering a person's evolution and developing closure with it.
It should be noted that UPE, or traumas, include prenatal-birth experiences, and any surgeries, since unconscious programming is being conducted by parents, doctors and other caregivers whether inadvertently or intentionally; the unconscious mind does not discriminate, it simply records. Subconscious/unconscious messages or dialogue interpreted as commands, are being recorded and reinforced during these events when one is medicated or "unconscious." See FAQ page for more information about birth, surgeries, and other frequently asked questions regarding Past Life Therapy.
- What can a Past Life Therapy Center client expect to achieve?
After fully completing the PLT process, one will feel and witness major improvements in their life. A person will know when he or she does not need additional therapy, for they will find they are living their life to the fullest with peace and resolution. One will process current and future experiences in a healthy manner and will begin to live their life as it was intended to be lived by truly living it and 'feeling alive' without the need for external reinforcements to support what has been achieved internally.
Past Life Therapy can help one understand and resolve the karmic connection of their victim/ victimizer stages of development. A belief in karma, past lives, or spirituality is not necessary. The client eventually becomes what is known as an active 'benign observer.' In other words, one will no longer attract victim or victimizer experiences since one has already resolved the unconscious need to re-experience this by addressing it in a clinical setting.
The ultimate goal is to help direct a person to alignment with one's authentic self based on their own beliefs rather than what they may have been made to believe about themselves or others—especially during an unconscious event of trauma, shock, prenatal/birth, or surgery. Whatever conclusions a person chooses to adopt about the religion they practice, if any, or one's belief or disbelief in reincarnation and karma, is for the client to decide. It is not for the therapist to decide. The past life therapist actively guides the process of self-discovery. By resolving the past, the client achieves the ability to "feel good" and move forward.
One can spend the rest of their life and future lifetimes working through unproductive patterns and karma, or short-cut the process through Past Life Therapy and feel alignment with one's true self in this lifetime.
- Is Thomas Paul, D.C.H., the past life therapist for you or someone you care about?
The process Dr. Thomas Paul practices involves a higher form of intimacy and trustworthiness. Rest assured that Thomas Paul honors a client's privacy and provides a supportive environment conducive for this process. Thomas Paul has over 1000+ hours of training with the founder of Past Life Therapy, Dr. Morris Netherton, who has processed over 40,000 sessions successfully. Thomas Paul is the last past life therapist Morris Netherton has fully trained prior to retirement and he serves as a PLTC senior consultant/board member.
Dr. Thomas Paul is interested in working with those individuals committed to finishing the inner work necessary to achieve optimum results/full resolution. A client must be willing to accept responsibility for their evolution and healing. The purpose of the therapist is to enable a client to help themselves. Thomas Paul is an experienced guide assisting his clients as they journey into their past and resolve any confusion or patterns affecting their quality of life.
Every adept therapist practicing regression or past-life therapy eventually develops their own theories, techniques, and unique style. Past Life/Past Lives Regression Therapies are explained in general terms below; opinions may vary.
Regression therapy is a therapeutic process that uses one’s earlier life experiences as source material to resolve current problems. By using different therapeutic techniques such as hypnotherapy, a client can be regressed into a past memory that may be influencing his or her present-life in a negative way. Unlike many traditional talk-therapy modalities, regression therapy utilizing de-hypnosis bypasses the cognitive/analytical mind, thus enabling the therapist to elicit suppressed/repressed memories. The boundaries are lifted from the conscious mind, enabling the client to explore a past-life.
By regressing someone to childhood or a past-life is by no means a phenomenon. If you listen carefully, people regress all the time, whether it's at a party or standing in line at a grocery store. In a therapeutic setting, a therapist will help a client regress to make the unconscious conscious. The more unconscious identification there is, the less our ego is able to assert and defend itself against the inner compulsions and beliefs. Many forgotten memories, especially traumatic ones, are still ingrained in the unconscious mind.
Many times it is difficult for one to recall pertinent memories through conscious thought only. We all have defense mechanisms that shut down our innate ability to tap into our emotions due to our inability to cope with stress, fear, or pain. Compartmentalizing or trying to forget painful experiences is usually our natural tendency. After years of repressing these issues, the actual facts of the event and the emotions that are associated with the event become fragmented waiting to be unleashed and reconciled. Regression therapy helps lift those boundaries, which allows the therapist to easily work with the client’s emotional, nonlinear mind.
Studies show that a strong experience of catharsis is needed to alleviate one from unwanted beliefs, complexes, or destructive behaviors. Catharsis is experienced once a client discovers, understands, and releases an earlier traumatic memory that is influencing his or her life in a negative way. Self-actualization, along with cognitive processing, is integrated with the conscious and unconscious mind. This process may encompass hypnosis, de-hypnosis, guided imagery, and diaphragmatic breathing.
Pioneer of psychology Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) learned hypnosis from Joseph Breuer (1842-1925), who had treated a young woman suffering from neurotic symptoms, which they diagnosed as hysteria in 1880. Breuer had the patient discuss past events in a state of deep hypnosis. She was able to recall traumatic events from her childhood, which she could not remember in her conscious state. She was able to integrate the experiences and connect them to her emotions. The result was that her neurotic symptoms disappeared.
Breuer and Freud’s earliest technical efforts were referred to as the “cathartic method” (Brueur and Freud, 1893-1895). Freud, however, was not a good hypnotist and found it to be confusing and embarrassing, and his success rate with such hypnotic techniques was very poor. He finally abandoned hypnosis and worked mainly with free association for memory recall. Freud’s condemnation of hypnosis combined with the growing reputation of psychoanalysis caused the medical profession to reject hypnosis. Milton Erickson (1901-1980) was trained as a psychiatrist, but was most known for his innovative techniques in hypnotherapy, which helped revive hypnosis. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that hypnosis was again accepted as a valuable technique in therapy and for medical and clinical applications.
Morris Netherton, like Carl Jung (1875-1961), conceives therapy as a process of self-knowledge and intuition, and believes that any fixed structural model is a hindrance. Netherton does not use any formal, hypnotic methodology in his techniques for induction. He believes that clients are already in hypnotic states that exist from prior traumatic experiences. The Netherton Method could be best described as “de-hypnotizing” rather than hypnotizing.
The framework in facilitating a proper regression is to encourage a client to reenact a traumatic event as if it were being experienced again. The client is guided to stay focused on all the sensations and feelings that come with the experience on a physical and emotional level. The objective is to get the client through the point of his conflict, confusion or fear. What makes the experience different and healing for the client is he is able to honor his true emotions and perceptions of the event without being judged or criticized.
The therapist provides a safe space for the client to reconnect and integrate his emotions with the event. When the client moves through his discomfort, this creates the turning point where the client releases or gains better understanding with whatever issues have been constricting him. Many therapists have witnessed change of the color in a client’s face after processing a regression. It’s very difficult to describe, but a client will sometimes look physically, mentally, and emotionally changed as if he or she was a completely different person.
Today, there are still mixed opinions about the efficacy of regression therapy. There are non-believers who feel that regression therapy is unnecessary and that the therapist is planting information in the client's mind. Some feel that it is like brainwashing [If anything, it's un-brainwashing or "deprogramming"]. These are just myths caused by misinformation and inept therapists.
Whether a client is under hypnosis or in a trance, he or she is fully conscious and in control at all times during the session. A client can reject whatever is being said. In a properly facilitated session, a therapist will elicit or evoke information that only comes from the client. Every experience is subjective. The only way to truly judge whether or not regression or Past Life Therapy is effective is by one's own experience. The most important ingredient of any type of therapy is the interpersonal relationship you have with your therapist.
What is The Netherton-Paul Method of Past Life Therapy? How does the prenatal-birth experience affect us unconsciously?
Select following link for an In-Depth Discussion on The Netherton Method of Past Life Therapy/ Prenatal-Birth, Surgery, Past-Life Influences Including Accidents,Traumas,Suppressed Memories/ History of Mental Health

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